Sunday, January 19th, 2025 4:29 AM

NBC Bay Area Sports -- $400?! Time To Leave

Question - does NBC Bay Area Sports cost you $400 per person per year?  Because that is what you are asking me to pay to keep watching Warriors and Giants.  If it does not cost you $400, why would you not offer it ale cart?  The PR says it will be a $20 increase but on your site it is $33 and none of the "offers" that your PR statements say.  Are there offers?  You're going to make me call and work hard to get any deals... like normal.  

Regardless, I will be cancelling my Xfinity and going with other services come the end of the month.  Hope your policy works for you as my friends are all texting about bailing your services.  You just don't get it.

Gold Problem Solver


7.9K Messages

17 days ago

Most RSN's are required to be bundled with other channels. NBC Sports Bay Area is a joint venture between NBC Universal and the SF Giants. Many deals were originally signed years ago when the sky was the limit and it seemed people would pay, even if they NEVER watched it. Now, with cord cutting accelerating, there are fewer and fewer subscribers to pay the contact costs. This is a business decision by Comcast to try and keep non-sports viewers, who will be seeing a big price drop.

The fact is that the days of subsidized sports is going away. Sports fans are being forced to start paying the FULL costs. Some RSN's are starting DTC (Direct To Consumer) streaming, but they are often not very cheap. $20-$30/month+ is not unusual.

Problem Solver


806 Messages

16 days ago

Because you wouldn't be paying $33/month just for the two sports channels. Maybe that's all that you would watch, but there are a considerable number of people who get that level for other reasons.

There is one thing I don't get; assuming Comcast already owns the channels (otherwise why is "NBC Sports" in their names?), why wouldn't they keep them at the most popular levels? It's not as if they have to pay someone else some amount per household for the rights.

Gold Problem Solver


7.9K Messages

16 days ago

Again, the writing is on the wall for RSN's. Comcast may have joint ownership, but they figure they will make more money keeping more lower paying customers than losing the sports fans.

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

15 days ago


user_bmalwa That is a great question. Currently, the only channels that are offered to be added on individually are the Premium channels like Showtime, MAX, and Starz. That is to help reduce the cost for customers who do not need those included. With that, some regional sports channels have been moved to the Ultimate TV channel lineup to help avoid cost increases for the customers on the Popular TV lineup that do not utilize those channels. Have you checked out Promotions [here](https://www.xfinity.com/lp/ppc/upgrade-xfinity-internet-service?) with the Ultimate TV option? If you are not finding any options that fit your needs with that line up let me know! 


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