

2 Messages

Monday, August 1st, 2022 2:18 PM


Court TV gone!?

The other day Court TV was showing a game show even though the menu still called it Court TV. That resolved after a couple hours. Now today the channel has been replaced with grit TV. I've seen old forums so I'm sure the answer is going to be that my local affiliate is to blame because this seems to have happened in other states throughout the past year, but does Xfinity send any kind of notification to people ahead of time? Court TV is one of the channels I watch the most so this is giving me a very large reason to finally get with the times and cancel cable. 

Official Solution

Retired Employee


5.9K Messages

3 years ago


Thank you for sharing your feedback. Please keep in mind, that the change in programming from Court TV to Grit TV was made by the channel owner, not Comcast.

Court TV is still being offered in select markets, you can find your channel listing for Court TV here: https://www.courttv.com/where-to-watch/

Please let us know if you have any questions or need anything more from us. 




5 Messages

@XfinityJessie​ This link takes you to ch 357 in the Seattle area. NOT Court TV



1 Message

@XfinityJessie​ This information is WRONG!  When you go to 357 as advised in that website, it just takes you to GRIT.  



1 Message

Correct, 1186 goes immediately to GRIT.  I am not pleased with this change.  COURT TV is the one channel I watch consistently.



1 Message

3 years ago

For some reason, Xfinity decided to change Court TV to Grit. I have no idea why. Now, the only way you can watch it is on YouTube. I never got a notification of the change, I just had to google it. 



5 Messages


Same here. It just disappeared. I had to Google it as well.



5 Messages

3 years ago

[Edited: "Language"]  comcast is really getting ridiculous .I have to pay for sports..do not watch sports


New Poster


5 Messages

3 years ago

I was told by an xfinity rep the co that owns court tv made the decision to remove court tv and replace it with grit hmmm?



5 Messages

@Peggie_B​  That is really what we want to watch 1950's cowboys..really????



2 Messages

3 years ago

This is likely the final straw for us to get with the times and cancel cable. Court TV was really the only channel I watched except for during football season. Now that I can watch live court hearings for free on YouTube (law and crime channel) and other shows on Hulu, I don't see a reason to be paying $200 a month. 



5 Messages

@user_d49b2f​ I just ordered another roku for my tv room tv ( I have one on the kitchen tv). I bought Rokus for 2 other tv's when cable started charging 5.99 a month for that stupid adaptor ...cheaper than renting cable boxes for kitchen, sewing room etc. Ridiculous charges for the boxes!! Like buying a car and then they say "you want a steering wheel?? extra charge for that" They should furnish the boxes as you are paying for their service already. Like MA BELL we charge like that because we can. Now I understand they will be charging 14.95 for the modem????? Sheese really getting bad, if I could DVR my shows on something else, I would get rid of ALL boxes!



5 Messages

3 years ago

Bring back Court TV!!!  Ther are plenty of channels showing the old TV shows!! I care about what’s happening today not yesterday!



5 Messages

3 years ago

Bring back Court TV!!! There are enough old shows from yesteryear on. We care about what’s going on today and Court TV shows what’s really happening live in the moment. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Court TV



31.2K Messages


Bring back Court TV!!! There are enough old shows from yesteryear on. We care about what’s going on today and Court TV shows what’s really happening live in the moment. 

You do realize that Comcast has no control over what is shown on a particular station?  Comcast only brings to you what is given to them.

I am not a Comcast Employee.
I am a Customer Expert volunteering my time to help other customers here in the Forums.
We ask that you post publicly so people with similar questions may benefit from the conversation.

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6 Messages

2 years ago

channel 221 is grit tv,but court tv is on despite the guide showing programs for grit

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled why is court tv on in place of grit tv in naples fl

Problem Solver


1.3K Messages

@tropidise Hi there, thanks for the post. Have you checked any of your recent statements over the last few months? Near the bottom of our statements, information about channel guide updates will be provided there. Let us know if that helps clear up the concern. 

I no longer work for Comcast.



6 Messages

@XfinityJodie​  Actually the problem fixed itself today as Grit is on 221,I appreciate the tip as I don't receive paper statements,appparently I'll have to read all the way thru to the bottom

Problem Solver


1.3K Messages

Glad it fixed itself up! Even if you don't get paper bills, you can view them fully via the MyAccount app or with the online account. This link can help: https://comca.st/3UhgofL;

I no longer work for Comcast.



6 Messages

thanks for the assistance

Valued Contributor


406 Messages

It's always our pleasure to help out, @tropidise! Have a great weekend.

I no longer work for Comcast.



2 Messages

2 years ago

Why are we seeing Grit programming? Channel 354 in warrenville, Illinois.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Court tv



2 Messages

Good afternoon,

Why did Xfinity stop CourtTV? I would have appreciated you notifying me. It's a favorite channel and would like to hear from you on the reason you no longer suppport it.

N Taylor



4 Messages

Same here also waiting to see why Grit TV is on air instead of Court TV



4 Messages

OK found a workaround - there is a CourtTV app and it plays live - so that’s good for now 



1 Message

2 years ago

Where's my Court TV. It's not on channel 32 - 3 anymore in Oregon it's now the grit channel do we have to pay for court TV now

New Poster


5 Messages

2 years ago

Court Tv is broadcast live on the free streaming services freevee & pluto tv. The co that owns ctv decided to replace it with grit tv as I was told by xfinity customer service.


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