

4 Messages

Tuesday, April 25th, 2023 3:21 PM


Comcast needs to stop subsidizing Fox Corp with high monthly broadcast carriage fees

​Comcast bills all of us several dollars monthly to subsidize Fox Corp whether we watch their content or not. [Edited: "Political"]

​Comcast enables this by charging us all high monthly fees to subsidize Fox Corp so they collect record profits even as advertisers cease working with the [Edited: "Inflammatory"] network.​

​Why does Comcast force all viewers to pay these fees so that Fox remains profitable?​

[Edited: "Political"]

​Fox Corp. CEO Lachlan Murdoch recently described how the company aims to renegotiate ​​the ​​fees Comcast (and other cable providers) forces us to pay​​ now so that we will pay even higher monthly fees as continued handouts to Fox. [Edited: "Inflammatory"]

[Edited: "Inflammatory"]

​Comcast needs to reduce or eliminate monthly fees we pay to subsidize Fox Corp now [Edited: "Inflammatory"]

[Edited: "Inflammatory"]

​We cannot continue to pay these handouts rewarding Fox [Edited: "Inflammatory"]

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

how can I not pay for Fox?

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