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1 Message

Thursday, October 5th, 2023 3:05 PM


Channel Line-Up Changes

Why has my channel lineup changed in Townsend,MA? I assume there will be a price change also.. We were happy with what we had. Now can’t get several Channels like (INSP).What is going on? I may call and just cancel. Paying too much already! Not interested in calling and getting nowhere to lower price. Maybe satellite is better..Paul [Edited: "Personal Information"]. Phone is [Edited: "Personal Information"]. We have been loyal customers for 25 years or more. 

This post was created from this reply on different post

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1 year ago

Hello, @pharamn! Thank you for leaving a comment on another post, regarding your channel change concerns. We've converted your somewhat different concern into its own post in order to properly address every question you may have. We regularly review our channel lineups and sometimes make changes to ensure we're offering a wide variety of content at the best value. As part of those regular reviews, we made the decision to move INSP to the More Sports & Entertainment Package. But I noticed that you mentioned "several channels." May I ask what other, in particular, you're having trouble with at this time? Also, we've edited out/removed your personal information as this is a public forum. If we need to have you send us a Direct (private) Message, we will let you know.

1 Message

Why is channels 222 different 

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2K Messages

Hello @user_bfjb2g, thanks for reaching out to our forum for help with your channel concern. Let's make sure we're on the same page and working towards the best path for a fix. Can you please elaborate on what different you're seeing, or what issues you're noticing on that channel? 

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1 year ago

Why had channel 157 taken off our comcast

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@user_zeggca That is a great question! If you could tell me what was on channel 157 I would be more than happy to see what information I can find for you!

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