4 Messages
Can I connect an Xfinity TV box to my XFi Gateway via ethernet and receive cable programming
Hi, I have a room in my house that I'd like to put a TV in and have access to our Xfinity cable programming. However, there is no existing coax. to that room. But the room does have an ethernet port that is connected via switch to my coax connected Xfinity Gateway modem/router. My question is can I hardwire connect an Xi6 TV box via that ethernet port to my gateway and get my cable programming? I know the Xi6 is also Wifi enabled but I question the strength of my wifi signal in this particular basement room hence why I want to hardwire via ethernet. Another user had a similar question in the forum about a year ago but responses were conflicting which is why I am asking again.
Accepted Solution
4 Messages
3 years ago
Hi Again,
I found the answer to my own question. It is "Yes", you can attach a wifi Xi6 Tv box via ethernet cable to your Xfinity Gateway modem/router and achieve greater throughput if your wifi signal is sketchy at the Xi6 location. So there you go. Cheers!
Official Employee
2K Messages
3 years ago
Hi, @user_3503ef! Welcome to the XFINITY forums page. We thank you for your time and patience while waiting for a response. We appreciate you greatly for using this outlet to ask a video service question such as this. You have reached the perfect virtual door to knock on for seeing if you can use the Xi6 set-top box via an ethernet connection to your gateway. After further research, I am seeing that this set-top box is actually a wireless box so you can actually connect it wirelessly to your Wifi network instead of using an ethernet cord. How does this sound?