

1 Message

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 1:47 AM


Bally Sports complaint


I have been a loyal customer since 1989. I feel like customers like me are being completely ignored in your "negotiation" with Bally Sports. I understand that you want to put Braves games on a premium tier costing us even more money. Why be so greedy? It already costs too much for home entertainment and now you're wanting to charge even more just because you can. 

Stop trying to take advantage of your customers, get a deal done with Bally so we can watch the Braves. 

1 Message

9 months ago

I agree!!! Fix this issue!!!!

3 Messages

Totally Agree.  Been a customer way before Comcast was Comcast.  The thought is to give us an $8.00-$10.00 month credit!  Really...Come on Comcast...I've spoke to at least a hundred folks since the announcement of dropping Bally Sports.  Looks like you've stirred the pot and folks are bailing at the end of their contract....Dish-Spectrum-Hulu-Fubu.

If I had Comcast stock, I'd be bailing...it's going to get ugly!!

1 Message

I just dropped Xfinity that I have had since 2007. Have been looking for a reason to get rid of their outrageous monthly cost. The Bally fiasco has gave me finally the push to do so . Fubo ( w/ Bally )  & T- mobile internet . Great price 4 both ! I am extremely happy . Bye bye Xfinity ...

5 Messages

What will you be paying for those services?  I have had Xfinity (Comcast) too since 2006 continuously, but also in prior years in another state. Their canned responses just infuriate us customers more.  Like I care about NBA, NHL, and MLB "national coverage" when I live in KC and have watched the Royals for 20 years.  They think that is some sort of consolation?! I digress, any information you can share would be great, Thanks

4 Messages

Way to go Comcast. I'll be switching to dish TV after 20 years. You [Edited: Inflammatory] us ALL off! Greedy [Edited: Inflammatory]


1 Message

9 months ago

I will be switching shortly to WOW or cutting the cord completely if this issue is not resolved.  Watching the Tigers is my priority.  Longtime customer ……for now.

Official Employee


2.1K Messages

Hello user_wbsdgg, we certainly don't want to see you leave. Unfortunately, our programming agreement with DSG has expired. We have made a number of reasonable offers that DSG hasn't accepted. This means we no longer have the rights to carry their channels, including your local Bally Sports network. The loss of this channel will result in savings that we’ll pass along to you, and you’ll see an automatic credit in your bill in the coming weeks.


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3 Messages

@XfinityMarcos​ I have been a customer since the early 1980s. I don't believe you when you say you have made a "number of reasonable offers."  If you wanted to make a deal with Bally/DSG, you could.  Hello, DirecTV. 

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1.9K Messages

We are sorry to hear you feel this way, paisan1951. At this time, that is the most updated information. You can also visit us HERE for additional details on how our agreements work.


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2 Messages

@XfinityMarcos​ I haven't seen any credits !!!!!! Been with Xfinity for 20 plus years and have already contacted direct tv. So tired of paying for package and losing channels in said package no credits nothing only bill going higher and higher. So far lost 3 channels and accomplished a higher bill less in package, what a win. God pray you lose customers to point your forced into bankruptcy. I have also filed complaint with Minnesota Attorney general.

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

Thank you for reaching out to us here @user_ofs83u. Between May 28 and June 7, customers will see an RSN fee credit applied to their bill for the loss of this channel from their lineup, along with an associated bill message. Additionally, customers will receive an email notifying them of this change today. 

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51 Messages

9 months ago

Seriously, you'd think that being a customer since 1981 would mean something but I guess that's not the world we live in anymore. 


New Poster


2 Messages

Agree.  They care very little about their customers.  I have been a customer since 1980 and the cudtomer service continues to deteriorate. 

1 Message

9 months ago

WOW here I come!

No Bally no xfinity after 25?yrs!!!!!👎👎 Gotta move on!!

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

9 months ago

Hello user_9ef36c  we understand your frustrations with the recent Diamond Sports Agreement expiring. 


Comcast pays programmers to bring our customers the entertainment, information, and sports they want. We work to negotiate fair terms in order to ensure the greatest value for customers given all the ways content can be accessed today. 


We’ve been flexible with DSG, who is in bankruptcy proceedings, but have been unable to reach an agreement that’s fair for our customers. 



Programming costs are the largest cost for all video providers, not just Comcast. We work hard to limit the impact of this on our customers’ bills by negotiating with programmers to reach agreements that let us offer the best programming at the best possible value.


As an alternative,  we recommend that customers take advantage of the following offer from Fubo TV, accessible via our X1 Apps. 








New Poster


2 Messages

I have been customer since 89 also.  I was over at my brothers house two days ago and he was watching braves game he has switched to a streaming satelite service that has then on.  It was very easy he said to do just plug into your tv.  I told him i would give comcast until end of month and if not fixed i will be switching also as many people are doing.  I pay comcast like 300.00 a month and the service he got was cheaper also.  I will stay with them if braves come back on but if not they can count me as a former customer also.  

1 Message

@XfinityAlfonso​ is Comcast/xfinity willing to credit my account the amount needed to take advantage of the FuboTV deal? I shouldn't have to pay an additional $90 just for regional sports. If I wanted to stream I could cancel the television programming from xfinity and only keep internet access. I would save around $150 montly. 

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1.9K Messages


user_4ipa2z Unfortunately, that is not something we can offer. My apologies. For more information on how our programming agreements work, you can visit us HERE


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2 Messages

9 months ago

Xfinity - you must negotiate better. No other cable providers have encountered this same negotiation challenge. They have continued to carry Bally Sports, so this is an Xfinity issue, not Bally. Your paying customers who regularly watched these channels are now penalized. I, like, the other viewers am also looking at other options so I can cancel Xfinity. Your customer service has always been the worst; now your actual service is giving that a run for its money. Do better.

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

Thanks for your feedback! Also, thanks for reaching out about the loss of Diamond Sports Group (DSG) programming, which includes Bally Sports regional sports networks. This programming is currently unavailable as our agreement with DSG has expired. Comcast pays programmers to bring our customers the entertainment, information, and sports they want. We work to negotiate fair terms in order to ensure the greatest value for customers given all the ways content can be accessed today. We’ve been flexible with DSG, who is in bankruptcy proceedings, but have been unable to reach an agreement that’s fair for our customers. We know unexpected changes to your TV lineup can be frustrating, and we apologize for any inconvenience. For more information, visit 

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1 Message

Funny - Diamond Sports said they offered to continue to have Bally sports while continuing negotiations, but Xfinity didn't want that - it's corporate greed at its best.  You want to charge a separate fee to have Bally sports and they won't agree to that.  I like others are waiting another couple of weeks and then if nothing changes, have no choice but to leave Xfinity after 30 years.  It is a hassle to change providers, but once customers leave, they probably won't return.

2 Messages

@XfinityMartyR​  Not surprised with your boiler plate response. Please don't diminish my intelligence or anyone else's on this thread with your copy/paste responses that do nothing but reiterate the same excuses. You're only further aggravating your paying customers and pushing us to become clients of your competitors. Rather than responding in such a generic and non-caring manner, a better response would be that you've shared all of our feedback with the individuals at Xfinity that are making these decisions. 

Thanks - and please do not respond. I have reached my Xfinity tolerance level.

1 Message

9 months ago

Sounds like money hungry xfinity are the ones going to be bankrupt. We will be moving to  AT&T. Xfinity phone service has always been terrible for me so time to move on.

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

Hi @user_iorfg0,

We understand your frustration, and we will respect your feedback. We will continue to work with networks and partners to provided the best service for our customers. 

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13 Messages

9 months ago

I've been dragging my feet on cord cutting just because it's easier to stay with Xfinity. But, no Braves is the final straw. I will do whatever I have to do to get them back and leave Comcast sitting in the dust. 

5 Messages

9 months ago

There is no reason for this. This is one of, if not the only, service that hasnt figured something out. Your competitors have deals in place. At least leave it on while negotiating. You will be losing me and many others over this if not resolved ASAP.  That is bad business. Internet, TV, and Mobile..all of it will be a share shift to your competitors by the droves.


1 Message

9 months ago

Fix this issue or lose a customer. I am ready to leave now!

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

Thanks for reaching out about the loss of Diamond Sports Group (DSG) programming, which includes Bally Sports regional sports networks. This programming is currently unavailable as our agreement with DSG has expired. Comcast pays programmers to bring our customers the entertainment, information, and sports they want. We work to negotiate fair terms in order to ensure the greatest value for customers given all the ways content can be accessed today. We’ve been flexible with DSG, who is in bankruptcy proceedings, but have been unable to reach an agreement that’s fair for our customers. We know unexpected changes to your TV lineup can be frustrating, and we apologize for any inconvenience. For more information, visit


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Regular Visitor


17 Messages

9 months ago

are they even still trying to negotiate something still?  or we just [Edited: "Language"]?

[Edited: "Due to Guideline Violation"]


1 Message

9 months ago

I’m furious with Comcast over not carrying Bally Sports. I live on social security and I pay a big chunk of my income to Comcast.

This is no way to treat your loyal customers!!! I may have to go elsewhere for my television subscription. This needs to be settled now!



46 Messages

9 months ago

Have been searching to find the progress on this.  Sounds like there will be no Bally Sports so you said you would issue a credit for it.   Yet aren't doing it as it was promised on this bill.  Other boards have Xfinity reps saying "we do not issue credits for deleted channels" yet when you try to go to that channel it says a credit is happening.   You  do realize many people will not even wait for this credit as we are sick of the never ending price hikes.   The changing of your packages so we can't see what the double or triple play costs any longer, you just make it up as you go.   I had to downgrade my speed so my bill would only go up $24.   Even the xfinity reps I have a hard time understanding are saying "sorry about your luck".  

1 Message

9 months ago

I am giving Comcast until the end of this month to resolve this, and if not  I’m changing everything to AT &T and Direct TV Stream. Comcast you have really made your customers very angry!!! Why would you do that?

2 Messages

9 months ago

Fix it or I am switching my service, I give you two weeks 

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