s_v's profile

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8 Messages

Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 10:16 PM

780p channels down converted to 480i

I have noticed recently that some channels (i.e. MeTV channel 357) have been downscaled and no longer fit the widescreen format. Changing to "FULL" zoom does not fix the problem. The sides of the screen are now cut off. What has happened and how can this be fixed? 

Accepted Solution

15 Messages

6 days ago

I've been going over this with Xfinity for over 1 week now. It started on Jan 28, 2025 in north GA and several other locations. So far Xfinity denies knowing anything about it. Everything was working fine before the 28th, then they stopped zooming all SD channels. They are sending me a new X1 box, but I doubt it will change anything. And like you the Xfinity zoom feature simply stretches the image, not a true zoom that fills the vertical aspect. Also found the SAME thing happening to other users over 2 years ago so I don't know if there is any amount of complaining that will get a fix this time. https://forums.xfinity.com/conversations/channels-and-programming/subchannels-not-showing-in-correct-aspect-ratio/679ba25a713826258d5fb7d2


Official Employee


1.6K Messages

8 days ago

Hey @s_v, Thank you for visiting our official Xfinity Forums Community support page. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your experience regarding the MeTV channel. Reviewing the channel, everything seems to be working as intended. The "zoom" feature would zoom in on the feed which could result in the video being chopped on the top/bottom. 


Some older content may not have a widescreen format, so bars may be present on the left/right side of the video to display in the original aspect ratio.


15 Messages

@XfinityDemitrius​ You are incorrect in saying the channels are behaving correctly.They used to, but do no longer. The FORMATTING is correct, ie. 16/9 and 4/3 are correctly presented, but the frame is no longer filled vertically. Doing so would NOT result in cropping ANY of the image and a basic understanding of geometry would prove useful here. The image WAS presented correctly, without cropping yet filling the frame vertically until Xfinity stopped correcting the feed on 1/28/25. Please do not mark my post as a solution when it IS NOT! The solution will be posted when the issue is resolved.

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