2 Messages
No ACP if you have Flex?
Moving. New City. New ISP.
Got ACP Application ID. Started shopping.
- xfinity website displayed ACP + Free Promotional Flex in its final price estimate
- xfinity phone sales promised ACP + Free Promotional Flex in all of their price estimates
- xfinity store sales promised ACP + Free Promotional Flex on all of their price printouts
Got xfinity activated. Called xfinity's "ACP Department"
- Provided ACP Application ID
- Was told no other steps necessary
- Expect ACP discount by 2nd bill
No ACP discount by 2nd bill.
The xfinity ACP Department said The Affordable Connectivity Program rejected my application because I was getting free promotional period Flex. I have to return the Flex box. Then reapply for ACP.
Called Affordable Connectivity Program back [Edited: Phone Number]. They never heard of such a thing. They don't care at all what kind of discounts Xfinity has. You still get your ACP discount on internet, Flex discount or not.
And I don't even own a TV. I only said yes to Flex free promo in case I changed my mind and bought a TV later this year.
Official Employee
1.5K Messages
1 year ago
@user_j931yt Thank you for reaching out on the Xfinity Community Forums. I am happy to look over your ACP discount. Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.
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