cam1229's profile

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15 Messages

Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 12:09 AM


I had a long outage yesterday that majorly disrupted my day. Could I get an outage credit?

Hello. Yesterday, 4/30, between shortly after 3 PM and around 11 PM, my internet was out. Could someone help me with getting an outage credit? Thank you.

Accepted Solution

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2.7K Messages

9 months ago

Hey there, cam1229, thanks for reaching out through Xfinity Forums regarding your recent service interruption. You can request a credit through our Xfinity website to make it easy and simple for that credit to be applied to your account. Visit, and you will see Tips in case of an outage section at the bottom of the page and can click the link, Check eligibility. Let us know if you have any additional questions. 




Frequent Visitor


15 Messages

@XfinityJeniece​ Thank you. I've tried that in a few prior outages and wasn't offered credit. This time I was, though.

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

I am glad to hear it worked this time @cam1229. Depending on the cause of the service interruption, the account may or may not be eligible for a service adjustment. It should provide a reasoning when you submit the request. Would there happen to be anything more we could assist you with today? 


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