

6 Messages

Wednesday, December 14th, 2022 4:04 AM



I have read so many complaints about Comcast taking money from so many accounts without authorization and I’m not understanding how this is happening to so many people and nothing is being done about it… it has happened to me as well and I have been on the phone with customer service for 6 hours at a time tying to fix my situation a situation that they have caused but refuse to take responsibility …Comcast has taken over

900$ out of my bank account and it shows on my Comcast account where it was taken out but they keep saying they have put it back in my account which doesn’t show on my bank account… I had to open another account with my bank to make sue it didn’t keep happening and now they want me to pay 900$ to have my internet turned back on



1 Message

2 years ago

We opened Comcast in July. The first 2 months of service Comcast tried billing a banking account and credit card for our bill that was not set up or owned by my wife or I. Luckily the charges were denied. The attempts still show up on our billing history. Comcast has no idea. 

Fast forward to yesterday and there have been over $1000 charges from Comcast to my credit card but NOT my account. I cancelled the card assuming the information was stolen, but I also wonder if Comcast is using my card to pay other accounts like they did to someone else when we started with Comcast. 

Over an hour on the phone and Comcast could only say those charges aren't to my account (already told them that) and reset my password. I asked them to tell me what accounts were being paid with my credit card number and then they began telling me to turn my autopay off, it was my autopay that caused an issue. Not sure how autopay creates charges to Comcast but not to my account. I just hung up out of frustration. The local area service and tech are great but customer service/fraud department, is a negative 10. 

Retired Employee


729 Messages

Hello, we are happy to take a look into this for you. Please send us a direct message. Thank you. 



6 Messages

@XfinityRuben​ I need my internet fixed so I can make money to pay my bills… I truly do not know how you are still in business.. I have read thousands upon thousands of complaints about you taking money from people’s account… if my internet is not back on by tomorrow I’m getting a Lawyer and believe me I have many people to stand behind me .. you let someone hack into my account get my information.. breach of contract that’s all I’m saying so I need someone to call me back Matt the big time executive at Xfinity that couldn’t do [Edited: "Language"] for me…. 


New Problem Solver


617 Messages

Hi @user_ec7f41


I appreciate you sharing this experience with us! This is something I want to jump into and investigate to be sure we get this resolved ASAP! You've come to just the right place to get help! Please send me a Direct Message with your first/last name and the full service address in question. 


Here's the detailed steps to direct message us: 
 • Click "Sign In" if necessary
 • Click the “chat" icon (upper right corner of this page)
 • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
 • Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
 • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
 • Press Enter to send your message


I no longer work for Comcast.



6 Messages

Jesus please bind my hands and my mouth because these people are making want to SCREAM until I have no voice… I have literally been on phone with Xfinity for over 4 hours.. Rob or Rod not sure who it was I talked to but your transfer to the person that was going to help me get my internet back on well she hung up and didn’t call back so I called you guys back and was transferred 10 times to 10 different people that could not help so please ROD or ROB from the fraud department could you please call me back or have someone who knows what they are talking about call me please.. I need my internet back on in order to pay my bills… did I mention breach of contract…. Thank you so very much for diving me insane..



6 Messages

And another thing… make it a little easier to send you a direct message because all those instructions you put in the box above is nothing like it says… 



5 Messages

2 years ago

Very similar situation with me and having $400+ took out my account due to there negligence and professional. I'm currently looking into a legal stand point against them, for breach of contract as well as privacy just to name a few.



5 Messages

2 years ago

I would recommend taking the time to contact corporate and there chief executives as I have been also advised to do and take every step needed to reach them.



5 Messages

2 years ago

Only a matter of time before there's a class action lawsuit so keep all records and documentation you can to those like us get what we deserve 



6 Messages

2 years ago

Comcast stopped me from viewing my activity on my account but I took pictures of everything … plus I have all my bank statements from where they took out money…I have lost my job because of them and I’m livid…. How can they keep doing this to so many people and nothing be done about it… I’m boggled…. I did find a lawyer to take my case so hopefully something will be done soon… 

Problem Solver


1.1K Messages

@user_ec7f41 Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It looks like we have requested you send us a direct message and have not received one. If you would like further assistance, please follow these steps:

  • Click "Sign In" if necessary
  • Click the "Direct Message" icon
  • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
  • Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
  • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
  • Press Enter to send it”


I no longer work for Comcast.



1 Message

2 years ago

Xfinity took $300 out of my account for the past few years and wouldn’t refund the money. I returned a borrowed equipment years ago but they still act like I had never return it and charged me for the rental fee EVERY month. I had to spent hours with them every time explaining how I returned it. After they confirmed it was true they would take it off the bill for a month or two only to have it back on my bill again. Every time I contact the online customer service team they never solve any problem, they only wanted to selling me products and plans that I repeatedly told them I didn’t need. It was funny how they always made sure to avoid solving the problem. I guess this is how Xfinity making money off people, through fraud.

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

Thank you for reaching out to us here @user_c18677p. I would be more than happy to look at any equipment charges on your account for you. Could you send me a direct message with the full name and complete address for your service? 

To send a direct message [private message]:

   Click the "Direct Message" icon or  https://forums.xfinity.com/direct-messaging

   Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

   The "To:" line prompts you to "Type the name of a person". Instead, type "Xfinity Support" there.

   - As you are typing a drop-down list appears. Select "Xfinity Support" from that list.

   - An "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line.

   Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

   Press Enter to send it

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22 Messages

2 years ago

Comcast contracted to a boiler room call center in Southeast Asia. This call center had access to account details of Xfinity/Comcast customers. 

I had transferred ownership of an Xfinity internet account to my name after moving to a new city into a home owned by a friend. 

I made two payments in November where two separate credit cards were stolen by two separate reps under the official comcast phone number. I ensured that I was calling the correct number. Although I had completed the ownership transfer, I was unable to access bill pay online due to what I can only assume is a lack of urgency or care on the part of Comcast and so had to do so by phone. Store locations were unavailable because of my schedule. I work healthcare. It's not a normal schedule.

The first credit card was stolen, the correct amount was quoted and charged, matching the amount on the bill. My card statement reflected a bogus business in Nevada. My Xfinity payment reflected an electronic funds transfer, or e-check, from a false or temporary account. The payment bounced, I was assessed late and returned payment fees despite having more than a sufficient line of credit available on the FIRST payment card, and service was then interrupted. 

I then called the same number and, using a different credit card because of my suspicions from the first transaction, experienced the exact same thing with one difference. The amount, again exactly what was quoted in the bill but somehow "was returned" despite not being returned to card 1, was charged to a completely different decoy company in Pennsylvania. The call center was again in Southeast Asia. Service was restored for 2 or 3 days until the payment bounced and I was out nearly $500 in total. 

Now I don't do phone payments in general for this exact reason. I'm 32 and worked in tech support from 18-21 when I was in college. I keep up a relatively high degree of suspicion whenever my financials are being given out. But I had no choice here. After looking through the electronic funds transfers that Xfinity/Comcast received, I noted that they were from two checking accounts with different final 4 digits. Neither were from my credit cards. Both payments were returned. I was assessed late and returned payment fees for both. I knew exactly what had happened at that point. 

I again contacted Xfinity/Comcast and spoke with a representative in the states asking for them to please read out a history of my transactions. Mind you I had been principal on the service contract for only 3 months and had never before (and will never again) deal with this company. The representative confirmed what I had already suspected and my bill was reconciled and service brought to date. You all may remember an email sent out on 12/12/22 about phone payments being unavailable:

Please pay your bill online
Thank you for making a past payment over the phone. We want to let you know that due to a third-party issue impacting our customer support line, we’re currently unable to process payments over the phone. Our teams are working hard to resolve the issue, and we apologize for any frustration this may cause.

In the meantime, you can quickly and securely make a payment online through Xfinity.com. Simply click “make a payment” below, or follow these steps.

The problem that I have with this is that Comcast has been absolutely opaque about this. Not only were these charges for the amount of my bill stolen, so were two of my credit cards. The 'third party vendor' had access to Xfinity/Comcast's internal billing information or else they couldn't have confirmed the amounts they would charge me, which is a security check I put in place to hedge against exactly what ended up happening. I proceeded to have to dispute and cancel both credit cards, waste hours on the phone going through individual charges one by one, to the tune of around $1700-$2000 between both cards. When I called and asked Xfinity/Comcast to comp 3 months of service for my time and trouble, they refused and offered me a $75 credit. The rep told me in no uncertain terms that my time was not part of consideration in compensating for service disruptions. I got a flyer in the mail a few weeks ago for ATT and within 12 hours had scheduled the install. 

I am a victim of Identity theft for the first time, despite doing everything in my power to protect against it, because Comcast is too big, unaccountable, and simply doesn't care. I reached out to multiple social media accounts and was ignored. Now that this is all said and done, and since there is virtually no publicly available information anywhere on what happened or why it happened, I am explaining it. I don't know if I was personally responsible for that 12/12/22 email, but the timeline certainly fits. My first credit card was stolen on 11/2 and the second on 11/11. I connected the dots and reached someone in the states on 11/26. The email about the 'third party vendor' went out on 2 weeks later.

As Xfinity/Comcast has failed to publicly acknowledge that their cost cutting and reckless lack of vetting vendors puts their millions of customers at direct risk of identity theft, I have save my receipts, will be posting this repeatedly until they inevitably ban my account on this site, and will be engaging in a consistent campaign to attempt to get the word out to those who may be affected. Comcast does not care about you. Comcast does not care about your financial security. Comcast cares about taking your money while using as little of theirs as possible, even if that means allowing their contractors to steal your money and identity as well. This can not be tolerated. Don't tolerate it.



1 Message

2 years ago

Us too they charged us for a flex box that they noticed we never used and asked us to return it which we did then more than a year later they charged us for the box. This is such a common MO for this company there has got to be a class action suit. The first lesson is avoid them in the dirt place if not document all transactions and retain receipts forever 



1 Message

2 years ago

I cancelled my account in June 2021. To find out they continued to withdraw monthly until Dec, 2022. Even after calling them monthly to cancel and receive a refund. They promised every week that the $1356.00 would be returned. Now as I write this in April,2023 we continue to be told it would be back in our bank account in 5-7 days. 

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22 Messages

2 years ago

Go figure. Just got another ~$200 charge from Xfinity today, months after canceling service, billed to Xfinity 800-934-6489, MI 48170 USA

Nobody at Xfinity seems to be able to find a record of that charge.

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

@user_398d90 I recommend calling our Customer Security Assurance team to check on any type of fraud.  1-888-565-4329 or try Identity theft at 1-844-335-8719

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22 Messages

Your fraud line is a joke

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

@user_398d90 What happened when you called 1-888-565-4329?

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22 Messages

@XfinityEthan​ Brady called me a liar. Now I'm waiting on his supervisor to call me back.

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

@user_398d90 Sorry to hear about the experience. If you don't get a call in the next few hours, let me know. I assume you blocked any further charges from that source through your financial institution?

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