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Friday, September 27th, 2019 7:00 AM


Cell signal boosters supported, yes or no?

My issues with the wi-fi calling problems have been previously noted multiple times in this forum (as have MANY others).  My problem is that due to TechShield radiant barrier installed on my roof  there is very little cell signal in the house even though the signal outside is plenty strong.  This necessitates the use of wi-fi in order to make and receive calls.  This was not an issue with previous carriers (ATT & T-Mobile).  It is an issue with XM as they have confirmed back to me that in order for wi-fi calling to be effective you must be able to have a "decent" cell signal working adjacent with your wi-fi signal.  Well, obviously if I had a decent in-house signal I would not need wi-fi assistance.  So, I am in a Catch 22 situation.


My question to the forum (and Comcast Team) is will an exterior antenna signal booster work with XM?  I have seen a couple of responses from Comcast Support that states XM does not support cell signal boosters, however, there are numerous websites that state clearly most all of them will support it.  These are mfg's. such as SureCall, Weboost and many others.  Verizon clearly states that they support them and XM is using their network.


So, anyone out there had the same issues with wi-fi and installed a signal booster?  If so, did it work?  How about a response back from the Comcast Support Team?

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3 Messages

5 years ago

I have the same question.  I just switched from Verizon to Xfinity.  I have been using a Samsung 4G LTE Network Extender for the past 3 years.  I has given me 5 bars inside my home.  However, now that I have switched, it continues to try to connect to Verizon and does not work.  I now occasionally have 1 bar inside my home.   If I am still using all of Verizon's network, why isn't this working?

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3 Messages

5 years ago

Thank you..  🙂 🙂 



80 Messages

5 years ago

Here's the deal:  4G LTE Samsung (for Verizon) Network Extenders  do work for XM phones, however, XM will not or cannot "authorize/activate" the device, consequently, it will not function.  Strange, given XM operates on the Verizon system?

HOWEVER,  if you have a friend with a Verizon cell plan, they can activate your device as a device of their own. Invite them over for dinner and tell them to bring their Verizon log-on credentials . Once they log into their Verizon account, easy to activate the device. And, strictly speaking, your friend wants decent cell service while at your house so why not have an active Extender for their use  ?

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1 Message

5 years ago

while you are correct in that the network extender must be registered on a friend or relatives account in order to work, I've found that it enhances Verizons signal, but does not enhance XM's signal. Running a test, I placed an XM phone and a Verizon phone side by side. The results : v phone had 4 bars; XM phone had 1 bar. Second test : Unplugged extender and watched the  V phone signal drop to 1 bar, matching the native and unhenhanced signal strength of local Verizon signal. 

Bummer and not sure how to proceed. Either there's a setting in the extender that I need to modify or its simply not compatible with Verizon. Don't see another option but am hoping you'll prove me wrong. 



52 Messages

5 years ago

Hello @aTm79


This is a good question and I want to thank you for bringing it to the forums.


Currently we do not support cell boosters in any official capacity but also do not prevent our customers from attempting to use them.  We leave it to the discretion of our customers if that is something they want to try. 


I hope this brings some clarity to the situation.





80 Messages

5 years ago

Forgot to ask, what is the make & model # of your extender?



80 Messages

5 years ago

Apart from my earlier post, all I can add is: I have an XM LG-M322 phone. With the Samsung Extender "on", with phone in same room, I get Max signal bars of 5. If I turn the Extender "off", I'm lucky to get one bar.
Settings on my phone: HD calling and Global Network Mode.
Would be interesting to know results if you were able to try a different XM phone, like a friend's.
Be sure and update this thread if you figure it out.



80 Messages

5 years ago

You have to have an active Verizon account for the extender to be registered and activated. Find a friend we who has Verizon and get them to register your Extender on their account.

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1 Message

5 years ago

specificaly speaking of the samsung SLS-BU10B 4G LTE booster. 

I was told that The Mac Id needs to be activeated with the carrier. I called xfinity mobile and was told that this could be done through the internet department, however when i was connected there it was disconnected after an hour on hold of an operator looking into it.  What can be done to activate the booster with xfinity?? I was told when switching to Xfinity from Verizon that the booster would continue to work... They did not. Am I forced to swtich back to Verizon? Please help.... 

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2 Messages

5 years ago

Did the test call work? Do you have the GPS signal? I would keep trying because I had zero service at my house for months. The moment I found a friend with Verizon that allowed me to register my extender on their account bingo full bars all around the house. It's flawless.

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

The 4g lte network extender 2 works beautifully. As mentioned I had to link to my friends verizon account but once finally active I went from zero service to full bars. It works trust me. I spent months with no cell service at home. Trying wifi calling which does not work. The extender solved it.



80 Messages

5 years ago

Yes, it should work. Verizon just needs internet, any internet, for their extender to work. With your Verizon account credentials, you should be able to self- install. Verizon has instructions on their website.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

@Jhold103 Can you please clarify for me...I have xfinity cable, verizon cell service (that does not work inside the house), I can plug the verizon booster into the xfinity box and it will work?  



1 Message

4 years ago

April Xfinity Mobile support or equipment to boost a weak mobile cell signal..if it is a weak signal at home  tough..Xfinity Mobile has no solution. Obviously Xfinity Mobile does not care about this issue.  You are on your own to try to figure out a cell signal booster that will work with Xfinity Mobile.. then..if ya find o ne, Determine where the weak signal you have is coming from, use a directional antenna.. is best advice I can find on I-net...try to find  someone, or a a Best Buy employee in the mobile section , an Xfinity Mobile Tech who lives in a low signal area themselves, who has had to do this themselves.. You won't get help from Xfinity Mobile..they'd rather have you just leave and find another mobile signal if you can...

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