anon3999's profile

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1 Message

Saturday, April 18th, 2020 9:00 AM


Remove dog from Landscapes screensaver

This is for Comcast Labs/technical team. The landscapes screensaver now has a dog addition this past month. People who want to see that can select the Animals screensaver. Please fix so that Landscapes is just Landscapes

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2 Messages

5 years ago

@anon3999 wrote:

This is for Comcast Labs/technical team. The landscapes screensaver now has a dog addition this past month. People who want to see that can select the Animals screensaver. Please fix so that Landscapes is just Landscapes

You can go into your settings and change. There are different options available.

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4 Messages

4 years ago

We used to get lovely landscapes when we logged on. They asked if we wanted to switch to animals and we did. Now we want to go back to landscapes but I can’t find a way to do that.

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