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Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019 9:00 AM


Filtering profanity on TV

While major media seems to think anything goes on TV, mainstream America, especially middle age and families don't.  Hearing the 'F' word on public television is a MAJOR turn off.  We have cancelled watching certain programs because of language, which otherwise would have been very interesting.  Xfinity would enhance it's competitiveness by adding a feature allowing the public to delete uncivilized profanity like the 'f' word from being viewed.

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Gold Problem Solver


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5 years ago

This is something that would need to be done at the network level. I think there would be major copyright and other legal issues if Comcast was somehow auto-bleeping things. Even if they tried to use Closed Captioning to control it, it is not accurate enough in timing to be usable. In fact, years ago, I remember there being some sort of box you would pass the video through that tried to do that.

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5 years ago

There are two companies that I know of that facilitate this.  VidAngel, and Guardian, I believe.  My wife and I like to watch Korean, Chinese, Japanese TV dramas.  They use the F word in subtitles, which is almost guaranteed not what they are saying in their language. I speak Japanese, to say that word in anger or ? doesn't exist in their language.  So why make it additionally offensive..  

We like Designated Survivor, until they started using the F ford.  Like when is is appropriate for people we should be looking to be the highest models in our country, be portraited using speech like that.   

Most Americans would be highly offended to have someone come into their home and used this kind of speech.  Yet, we turn the TV on and there it is.  If there was competition that had this capability, all other things being fairly equal, I'd switch in a heartbeat.


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