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Monday, December 2nd, 2019 6:00 AM


Advertising "FREE" Lifetime Movie Network preview...but not free..."SORRY"

My On Demand has the LMN advertising a free preview week from 11/29-12/5. Only gives me the option to subscribe to watch, so I requested a call back from company. Rep did everything she could as far as reset, etc. Then apologizes & tells me that she has exhausted all she can do. Says, "Although it says free preview for those dates, that I will just have to subscribe if I want to watch those movies. There is nothing more the company can do."  Why do false advertising on my actual account? Wish I could show a pic. Anyone else have this offered on their On Demand? Is it working?

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5 years ago

Just thought I'd try the LMN again and I now have "FREE TO ME" for the On Demand movies.  Somehow fixed after a few hours. Glad they somehow found a fix.  Thanks!

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