tempe21's profile



38 Messages

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020 9:00 AM


Peacock, Not Coming Soon To Xfinity?

Know something? Peacock streaming service was supposed to launch today. At least, for x1 Subscribers. So what happened? I woke up this morning and the streaming service was nowhere to be found. Can someone from Comcast explain what happened? When you say "Peacock" into your remote, it just says "Coming soon to xfinity". Apparently not. The streaming service is nowhere to be found on my subscriber account and I have x1.


So, what happened?



20 Messages

5 years ago

Criminal intent was one of the reasons I looked forward to peacock.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Peacock just showed up this morning (4/23) after nightly update. I'm in Chicago area, x1 subscriber. 



279 Messages

5 years ago


@tbill1 wrote:

No fresh Prince...Law and Order Criminal Intent 10 seasons.  I am in the Chicago area and it showed up on 1 of my 5 boxes, and not the main DVR.  Disappointed that only 5 seasons (the most recent)

of SNL were there.

There are a lot of SNL seasons on-demand including the first 5



667 Messages

5 years ago

I'm looking for specific SNL  seasons that are not anywhere.  Large gap between 5 and 30.  I was under the impression that all seasons would be on Peacock.



38 Messages

5 years ago

I seem to recall that Comcast said that Peacock would be rolled out on April 15th to Comcast subscribers. There was no mention of Flex or preview. Then, everyone started talking about "Flex". I hadn't heard about Flex until someone mentioned it in this topic. Comcast seems to keep moving the goalpost regarding Peacock. They should never have announced it until they were sure it would be ready and it sounds like not even Flex customers have it either.


Here we are, a week later and still no Peacock. It would have been better if Comcast hadn't chosen such an arbitrary date for the launch of the service. They should have just said 'Peacock is Coming' with no date specified. So, instead of Comcast subscribers getting an early preview, ahead of the rest of the country, Comcast subscribers don't get to preview the new streaming service before non-subscribers do?


Don't know about anyone else, that is really on the low end of things. Being Comcast subscribers, we should have been given early access to the streaming service. I really enjoy my current service but this Peacock thing has been mishandled by Comcast's advertising team since it was announced.


Maybe make up for this by giving subuscribers six months free of the "no-ads" version of Peacock.



20 Messages

5 years ago

I’d be ok with this.

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1 Message

5 years ago

Fat chance Comcast will ever give away the ad-free version. But then Comcast has never been known for good customer service, and with good reason. They should change the name of the  Peacock service to "Turkey", which this rollout certainly has been. I think most people would have understood it if they had said 4 weeks ago that the rollout would be late because of the Coronavirus shutdown. Instead, they kept promoting an April 15 rollout for Comcast customers, and then on April 15 saids "Oops, it'll be late if you have X1." Seriously? X1 customers pay a lot more than Flex users, and this is what we get for it??? Turkey.



279 Messages

5 years ago

Just got it this morning right outside of Philly on my x1 box.  The one show I would have liked to have seen was LA Law, but it is not offered that I could see. Rest of the content is pretty blah. It's free so I'm happy to have it, but I doubt I'll be using it much with all the other content I have thru x1

Problem Solver


809 Messages

5 years ago

@skintime wrote:

Just got it this morning right outside of Philly on my x1 box.  The one show I would have liked to have seen was LA Law, but it is not offered that I could see.

I don't think Peacock has the rights to L.A. Law. It was produced by 20th Century Fox, which is now owned by Disney, so if it ends up anywhere, I expect it to be on Disney+.

Peacock doesn't have the rights to all NBC shows. For example, Friends will be on HBO Max.



138 Messages

5 years ago

It's on my other boxes, but not the X1, as of this morning. Nashville. Rebooted too. 



20 Messages

5 years ago

So peacock finally showed up.

To add to this the same thing is happening with Hunter. There’s seven seasons but only two seasons are available. I’m hoping this is fixed with the national launch.



38 Messages

5 years ago

Nothing here in Burton, Michigan.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

I live in Spokane,WA and it was available to me 2 days ago on Wednesday the 22nd.  I posted a negative review about it on my Facebook page and went back the next day to give it a second chance and the app was gone.  🙄


Hopfeully I will get the app back because I do think it will get better over time.  I wasnt too thrilled initially because many of the classic NBC programming I used to watch was not there.  



667 Messages

5 years ago

If I am watching a series like the Office, do I have to do a search each time to bring it up?  I don't see a "keep watching" or "last watched"  heading anywhere.



24.6K Messages

5 years ago

@tbill1 wrote:

If I am watching a series like the Office, do I have to do a search each time to bring it up?  I don't see a "keep watching" or "last watched"  heading anywhere.

unfortunately, no. if you have one that you didn't finish, it sometimes appears as 'continue watching' it may not start where you left off, though.

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