36 Messages
XB7 Slow Upload Speeds
I have been having issues with the XB7 Slow upload speeds since December 2021. Xfinity has already sent out three technicians with a fourth one coming out tomorrow. I am on the 1.2Gb Download 35Mbps Upload plan.
I have a Dell XPS 8940 running Microsoft Windows 10 Professional x64 and a using a TP-Link TX401 10GB Ethernet Card connected to the 2.5GB port on the XB7. Currently I am getting 1355.56 Mbps Download, 8.69 Mbps Upload with a 12ms latency. The download speeds on multiple tests have gone as high as 1430.99 Mbps and the upload speeds have gone as high as 11 Mbps.
Prior to the issues I was getting upload speeds of 41.25 Mbps using the 1GB Ethernet port on the XB7. During this test I was using the 1Gb Ethernet adapter on the Dell XPS 8940 motherboard.
During the last visit the technician replaced the XB7 modem and the upload speeds were restored to 41 Mbps. Within a day they were back to single digits. All of the modems were rebooted numerous times when talking to technical support.
I am looking for input on how to get this issue resolved.
167 Messages
3 years ago
What does the results look like?
Just my .2 cents.
Thanks and good luck.
Official Employee
1.9K Messages
3 years ago
Thank you for taking time out of your day to reach out to us about the upload speeds, @PLCMAN! I have three people working remotely from home so I know how important it is to have the speeds you pay for! I'm seeing some issues with your signals and I'd like to keep an eye on the appointment tomorrow since it sounds like you've had multiple technicians at your home.
Please send a direct message by clicking the chat icon in the upper right corner of the page, click on the pen and paper icon, then enter “Xfinity Support” in the “To” section. Please include your name and address and I'll be happy to help :).
Regular Visitor
8 Messages
3 years ago
I too have the exact same issue as you and I'm on the same plan.
My download speed is fine, but the upload inconsistently gets in the 40Mbps range which wasn't a problem for the XB6.
If I reset the XB7, the uploads will return to that range, but after a few hours, the speed is back to 10Mbps upload with the occasional 40Mbps.
Others on the web in various forums all seem think it's related to either the XB7 being sensitive to RG-59 cabling and signal in general (if someone has the issue on RG-6 let me know), or the XB7 just having firmware or hardware that's not so great, or a combo of both.
109.3K Messages
3 years ago
Wonder how the original poster @PLCMAN is making out ???
3 Messages
3 years ago
I just received an XB7 as a replacement for a "failed" XB6 that was consistently getting 12Mbps upload speeds until it suddenly and without warning stopped working one evening. Now no better than 4-5 and more often less thean 2Gbps. I am a WFH Enterprise IT engineer and this is very much unacceptable.