6 Messages
XB7 Not showing Devices/Unable to Port Forward
Alright, so this is an ongoing issue with xfinity that I have had, about 6 months ago my modem stopped showing my devices in the xfi app as well as on the xfinity home page. I have called and called as well as getting a CR number with no call back ever, as well as googling my brains out trying to find a way to alleviate the issue or remediate it all to no avail. I have restarted my modem time and time again as well as resetting it to factory settings, changing the network SSID/Password and all kinds of things and my devices are still not shown. About 3 months ago I upgraded to the XB7 when I decided to get a bandwidth upgrade hoping a new modem would fix the issue, but nope, not even a glimmer of a fix even when first plugged in, with no other devices other than my laptop it still refused to show any devices.
At this point it is getting ridiculous as I am unable to port forward anything at all cause its locked out in the modem and on the web page and app it refuses to show any devices so I cant do it there. Is there anything that can be done about this?
Retired Employee
5.9K Messages
4 years ago
We apologize for the inconvenience you are experiencing when attempting to set up port forwarding. If the device you want to set up for port forwarding isn't in the list of available devices, first make sure it shows in the Xfinity app as being connected to your home network. If it still does not appear in the list, it may be because it is using an IPv6 address. Currently, the Xfinity app only allows port forwards to be set up for devices that are connected to your home network AND use an IPv4 address. If the device is dual stack (has both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses), we ask that you check with the device manufacturer on how to disable the IPv6 or set the IPv4 as 'preferred'.
Additional information about setting up port forwarding can be found here:
Please let us know if you have any other questions or need additional assistance.
6 Messages
4 years ago
@ComcastJessie I know about port forwarding and how it works, the issue is my device does not show any devices at all, neither in the xfi app nor on the webpage. Even with ipv6 disabled and ipv4 set as preferred.
I want to know when/if the device list will be fixed or if there is anything that can be done so my devices show up in my modem device list. If they show naturally the devices will show in port forwarding so I can actually forward the ports. So far it seems CR numbers and callbacks are ignored and nothing is being done which is delivering a broken product.
109K Messages
4 years ago
@RouterPain @ComcastStephanie
Please post any possible solutions for the issue here in the open forums so that all readers here may benefit from the exchange / info. This is in keeping with the spirit for which these public help forums were originally intended. Thank you.
6 Messages
4 years ago
After 4 days I recieved a call from a service tech, the service tech was able to see my connected devices but I was not, so it could possibly be a desync between their end and the end user portion.
2 Messages
4 years ago
Newest xFi app updated 7-1-21 corrected issue.
I was having the exact same issue where devices that are connected to the XFi router didn’t show connected in the Connect portion of the XFi App. I like everyone on this forum got confused reps with little understanding or assistance regarding the issue. Despite promises to elevate and call back to correct, no one calls back with any support.
I went to the Xfinity router specifically for this feature after using my own Arris SBG8300 DOCS 3.1 modem and their 3rd party app. I wanted to keep troubleshooting in-house with xfinity personnel. Big Disappointment.
Sounds like the Connect XFi app was overall the issue with little support. I am glad this latest app corrected my issue.
Still disappointed no Xfinity rep contacted me regarding my issue.
6 Messages
4 years ago
So seems Xfinity-support kinda answers now but then ignores any follow ups and doesnt respond when asking for an update on my issue.
1 Message
4 years ago
Pretty ridiculous they can sell a product that doesn't do what they claim.