Sunday, August 25th, 2024 7:15 AM

XB3 Modem Issues

I have been using a XB3 Modem with the Internet Essentials plan since the spring of 2021. Everything had been reliable with the actual internet service but the modem stopped sending data usage for a few months then corrected itself and started sending data again.

On the evening of 8/13/2024 the modem would no longer connect to the internet except infrequently for a few minutes at a time every few hours. During the lapses in service there would be frequent reboots with the us/ds light blinking for several minutes at a time and then when it did become solid followed by the online light indicating an internet connection there was no actual online connection. 

Xfinity sent out a replacement XB3 Modem and it is doing the same exact thing in every way. Once during this period early saturday morning on the 24th I was able to get an internet connection for over 2 hours with perfect operation but then later on Saturday it reverted back to the problems I described.

If I could get some information on this problem to help me resolve it I would very much appreciate it. Thank you.

Gold Problem Solver


26.1K Messages

4 months ago

... frequent reboots with the us/ds light blinking ...

That usually indicates a problem with the link between your XB3 gateway and Comcast's network. Network connection problems like this are often due to poor coax connections or damaged coax cable, usually in or near your home. Running the cable through a surge protector, a defective splitter, or too many splitters can cause signal problems as well. If there is an amplifier in the line make sure it's getting power. 

If you want to troubleshoot this yourself, please see Internet Troubleshooting Tips. If you can't find the problem or you'd rather have Comcast take care of it and an employee does not respond to your message here, call them at the phone number on your bill or 1-800-Comcast, or use one of the options on https://www.xfinity.com/support/contact-us/. It's not likely they can fix the problem remotely. If not, insist they send a tech out to identify the cause and correct it.

If the tech finds bad coax, splitters, amplifiers, or connections in your home (even if Comcast originally supplied them) you'll probably have to pay for the visit (approx $100) unless you have their Service Protection Plan ( https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/service-protection-plan, closed to customers that don't already have it). If the trouble is due to a faulty Comcast rental device or anything outside your home you shouldn't be charged.

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