38 Messages
We're giving you faster speeds – at no extra cost
I received an email saying they are increasing my speed for free but I'm not getting any faster speeds .
In fact I don't think I'm getting what I was already supposed to.
I have Gigabit Extra Tier and the Maximum speed I get is 970 download , Connected via Ethernet cable
1 Message
3 days ago
I made a change to my service several weeks ago and was told I could expect a bump in speed from 500 to 800 down. Never happened and then today I get the same email that you did. Like, thanks for taunting me. I'm already aware that it didn't work.
10 Messages
3 days ago
I haven't seen an increase either, nor received an email.
4 Messages
3 days ago
If you got the same email I just got, it specifically says faster UPLOAD speeds, not download speeds.
204 Messages
3 days ago
I got that faster downloads announcement a couple of days ago, and it looks like I actually did get a speed increase. I was on the 1200Mbps plan, so now it's 1300. I used to get ~1400-1440 on a good day, last test was 1540. All this is on a cabled connection, using a mix of 2.5Gb & 10Gb.
Note that Comcast's speed test servers are not always the fastest. You'd think they ought to be, but any time I get a low result I try a different one, usually Ookla... unless it's really slow like after the last outage. Modem reboot took care of that one.
Official Employee
3K Messages
2 days ago
Thank you for reaching out @HDRock Are you using your own modem? You would want to visit the link: to check on compatible modems. As long as the modem is a modem/ router combination you would not need to get separate equipment. I want to let you know that there are great benefits to using our Xfinity modem
If you have our Gateway you can test the speeds to the Gateway using the Xfinity app (
New Poster
5 Messages
2 days ago
It might be a simple matter of unplugging the modem for a few seconds and then power it back up. Thats worked for me for the last couple of speed increases.
Gold Problem Solver
26.3K Messages
16 hours ago
The CM2000 should deliver the Gigabit Extra download speeds. But if you are using a router with only Gigabit Ethernet ports or if your endpoint device has only a Gigabit Ethernet adapter you'll only see 940 Mbps or so download. Also, note the CM2000 is not rated by them for the faster upload speeds introduced in 2023. For that you need one of Comcast's newer rental gateways (XB6, XB7, XB8) or one of the few retail devices shown in the "Next Gen Speed Tier" group at the top of the "All Compatible Devices" PDF linked near the bottom of (at the moment that link points to, but this changes from time to time):
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Problem Solver
520 Messages
11 hours ago
I received the same email as everyone else, and my speeds increased. First step should *ALWAYS* be rebooting the modem. If you are using a third party modem, it may take a while for it to be re-provisioned for the higher speeds.