coles1's profile

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12 Messages

Monday, September 30th, 2019 11:00 AM


Unusually high data usage megathread

Jessie helpfully locked the thread pertaining to this for being "off topic" after merging all relevant threads into the irrelevant terabyte thread.

I thought we should still have a place to discuss this ongoing problem. I took 20 pages of documentation into a store today and was told all they could do was charge me 70 dollars to send out a tech. Out of desperation I conceded.

Any thoughts? Anyone had any resolution yet? Some folks on Twitter seem to have made slight headway and had their accounts credited but aren't sure how to help since they seem to think they just got lucky.

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72 Messages

3 years ago

Since I bought this new modem and upgraded to gig speed, all months up until now match perfectly between my modem usage and what comcast shows, which leads me to think something on their end was messed up this past month.  I keep a pretty good eye on it. 


Also earlier yesterday prior to writing my previous post, comcast app showed I had used 6 Gb already but I hadn't been online at home, I was at work in a different city. 


I had this issue before in the past as well which was corrected on Comcast's side but they never told me what happened.  I wasn't really concerned about not getting my courtesy month back but based on what you said, even if I set my modem's data cap at any number to cut off, comcast may still show something different.  What's the point of them capping it if its so inaccurate?



393 Messages

3 years ago

Well you could set the modem cap to some slightly lower value and see if that works out.  My own router seems to track PCs well doing everyday internet stuff but when streaming via a Roku, the router numbers go crazy.  So there appears to be some bug in the router's meter (like it's adding an unintialized variable) in certain conditions.


There has also been some discussion that Comcast probably tracks all data including packets dropped by your router, whereas your router is probably not counting those. (I know, two "probably"s.)

New Poster


2 Messages

3 years ago

My data usage is normally less then 200 GB each month with four Arlo Cameras, one iPhone and watching TV using ROKU TV.  No streaming service like Netflex or Amazon Prime.  I've been working with Comcast since last week on Tuesday and no progress.  They suggested I upgrade to the unlimited Internet data plan to avoid charges since I'm using more now.  I explained to them that there aren't many devices on the Internet and there's no way we could use 500GB in 24 hours.  They wanted me to change the password because someone could get in.  Not an easy thing to do since I'm 50 miles away and due to COVID, don't want to enter my mom's house.  The current password is 20 characters with alpha numeric, upper and lower case letters.  Don't think changing the password will fix the problem and WI-FI isn't that strong.  If I need to make the trip, I will replace the modem and router with one that I can remotely manage.  My only option is to call every day, only to hear each time, "it's being worked on and I will get a call back within 24 hours".  Meanwhile the usage is now at 1294GB for March and the additional data charges keep climbing.  Yes, I understand charges will be reversed since it's the first occurance of overages but does this use up my one time waiver?  If this turns out not to be my fault, will I be compensated for many many hours on CHAT, phone calls and monitoring the data usage all hours of the day and night?



393 Messages

3 years ago

@icbigfootwhat's "it"?  ie: what do they say they are "working on"? As far as I am aware, there was an incident about year and a half ago, where Comcast did have a meter issue in one area.  Even we/I could tell something was different because the number of people with sudden mysterious overages was ~50 times the usual.  Comcast found and fixed whatever that was.  Right now, we seem to be back at the "normal background level" where there are a few people each week who have gone over for the first time.  As such, I wouldn't count on Comcast finding something wrong on their end.


As far as I can tell, when it comes to these "normal background level" cases, most people who get results do so by figuring it themselves.  Whether by adding their own monitoring or just doing a process of elimination until they find the data-crazy device.  Of course, Comcast could come up with something too, but I wouldn’t wait.

New Poster


2 Messages

3 years ago

@strega7 "it" would be looking at the data usage meter to see if it's working correctly and I just got a call today after two weeks to say it is working correctly.  I asked how can usage go up over 500GB in 24 hours and Comcast said it's possible with my download speed.  I have 500Mbps with three Arlo basic cameras, ROKU TV with no paid streaming service and an older iPhone.  Comcast suggested I run anti-virus software on my devices.  I told him that those devices do not have anti-virus software to run. 

Today with the help of my brother, we tried to log into the cable modem/router to change the WI-FI password, but it forced us to reset the admin password before we could login.  Was this Comcast's doing?  After resetting the cable modem/router password, was able to log in and change the SSID and password.  As of March 16, 2021, data usage is at 1404GB.  If it continues to go up, I am to call Comcast back and they will "look into it further".  He would not give me the next steps.



1 Message

3 years ago

@ComcastAshley I couldn’t figure out how to send you a private message (maybe I can’t yet since this is a new account?) but I’m having the same issue as the poster you replied to on the previous page. Could you please contact me so I can get some assistance?


Problem Solver


874 Messages

@greande, I am sorry to hear you have had problems with data usage. I would be happy to look over your account and see what options we have available to help. To send a private message click the chat icon in the upper right corner. Select "Xfinity Support" from the drop down when prompted. Please make sure to include your full name and service address. We look forward to hearing for you! 

I no longer work for Comcast.



2 Messages

3 years ago

I've been working from home for over a year now and never gone over my monthly limit or even come close except 1 month when I downloaded several ps4 games. I recently lowered my xfinity plan (same data cap) and suddenly my usage shot over the data limit this month? Nothing else has changed with my habits or hardware. I tried chatting with 4 different support people using the xfinity app and all they did was play misdirection games and send me to another dead end support person. Please help me figure out why 200 GB over this month already or is this an xfinity upgrade scam like other posts have eluded to.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Over monthly limit



1 Message

3 years ago

Last night at 9pm I received a text that I had reached 90% of my cap.....At 5:40am I got another one that I had reached 100%. So I somehow used 100gb while I was asleep....IMPOSSIBLE.



2 Messages

3 years ago

Mine was over last month too, I turned on the traffic meter for my Netgear Router. I'm guessing if they're billing after this they'll have to give a more itemized accounting .

Yes ?



2 Messages

3 years ago

I received an alert email from Xfinity telling me that my usage meter is already at 90% of the allowed limit, 1.2TB. I checked, and here is the data:

But it has only been 3 days into the month of April, and there is no way I could have consumed 1178GB in 72 hours. It is just ridiculous! Maybe the meter wasn't reset at the beginning of the month???

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled 3 days into the month usage meter already at 90% of 1.2TB

Gold Problem Solver


5.9K Messages

Your usage may not be based exactly by each month. More likely by your sign-up date.

It looks like your total is part of your last billing period.

Retired Expert

Gold Problem Solver

Official Employee


2.4K Messages

Hello and thank you for taking the time to reach out to us here on our Xfinity Forums. I would be super concerned as well if that much data was used in such a short time. I'd love to look into this further with you. Please send us a private message with your name and service address to Xfinity Support by clicking the chat icon at the top right of the page.

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
We ask that you post publicly so people with similar questions may benefit from the conversation.
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2 Messages

3 years ago

usage doesn't jibe with  "Services From" dates judging by email alerts, which have no mention of a date range. The usage graphic specifically states dates. I guess we need to to find the printing in the actual policy and see if there is a "Maybe" in the fine print.


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