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12 Messages

Monday, September 30th, 2019 11:00 AM


Unusually high data usage megathread

Jessie helpfully locked the thread pertaining to this for being "off topic" after merging all relevant threads into the irrelevant terabyte thread.

I thought we should still have a place to discuss this ongoing problem. I took 20 pages of documentation into a store today and was told all they could do was charge me 70 dollars to send out a tech. Out of desperation I conceded.

Any thoughts? Anyone had any resolution yet? Some folks on Twitter seem to have made slight headway and had their accounts credited but aren't sure how to help since they seem to think they just got lucky.

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New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

My October data was reset as well, after hitting >45 in less than two days (one of which the modem was unplugged).


They took back the courtesy month they refunded as well, though. Pretty disappointing, considering they are admitting their data tracking is flawed.


Hopefully we can get answers, and at least some kind of assurance that this won't happen again!

New Poster


4 Messages

5 years ago

I was at 100+GB on Oct 1st, and now on Oct 3rd I'm at 4GB 



13 Messages

5 years ago

Same here yesterday, at 7:45am I was at 54GB, and courtsy months back to 2.

This morning at 7:30am at 2GB and back to 1 of 2 months left!!!

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

Expecting a free month with all the headaches trying to fix this for a month now

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Wow- I have been seeing exactly the same thing and thought I was going crazy. We've always had 100-300GB/month usage, and then suddenly in mid-to-late September, Comcast's meter started showing around 70-100GB/day! On September 30, Comcast showed 1800GB use for the month while our Google Wifi router showed less than 200GB. Several calls to Comcast resulted in no advice other than run virus checks, change wifi password, switch to xFi, etc. No explanation as to why our own router was showing such drastically different numbers.


At the end of the day on Oct. 1, the October meter already showed 70GB for just one day. However, at some point on Oct. 3, that changed to 14GB, and it's been "normal" since then, knock on wood.


I'd appreciate hearing if anyone is able to get Comcast to remove their "used" courtesy month from their account as a result of this fiasco.


Frequent Visitor


10 Messages

5 years ago

I think this all started around the time that Comcast increased download speeds in my area.  I get that speed doesn't  affect how much data you use, but it seems like something got messed up with how they calculate our data consumption when they changed our speeds. 


I supposedly used 80 gigs in one day, after I had scaled back our usage because of going over the previous month. Since the data usage reset on Oct 2, my family has gone back to our normal viewing habits.  We're using about 20 gigs a day.


Out of curiosity, where does everyone experiencing this data usage spike live?  I'm in the metro Atlanta area.

Regular Visitor


15 Messages

5 years ago

I live in the greater Albuquerque area in New Mexico. 

Frequent Visitor


21 Messages

5 years ago

We are in West Palm Beach, FL.

I agree about it happening right after they sent the email saying that our download speed was going to increase.

Now I just got to call and try to get our courtesy month back again.



13 Messages

5 years ago

San Lorenzo Valley, Santa Cruz, CA 95006

New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

We had high data September as well.. normally use less than 70GB but in September they say it was 1024 GB. Been on the phone with them well over 7 hrs getting the run around. Unbelievable..

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Since the last update Xfinity did my internet is draining, daily up to 50 GB we don’t to much it’s mostly phones and no movies or YouTube at all
What’s happening help please



134 Messages

5 years ago

So not everybody got their data reset?  I'm at almost 200GB used for October already.

Problem Solver


1.5K Messages

5 years ago

@jth182 wrote:

So not everybody got their data reset?  I'm at almost 200GB used for October already.

To tell you the honest truth, a counter reset isn't what I was looking for.  I was looking for an accurate billing cycle.


Is it real data?  Is it not? (I know the answer)  If they "reset" a counter, why?  What's the point of that?  There's zero communication here.


I'm watching the usual weberverse traffic banking off my firewall.  I've got portscans, shell exploits flying by, dns cache poisoning attempts, the usual general virus propagation traffic.  It all counts on your data cap.  Usually, it's not a large amount of data.


What ticks me off is paying $10/50GB when a botnet attack happens on my subnet, and I don't control the upstream hardware to shut it off or mitigate the traffic -- yet they'll bill you for it.

Gold Problem Solver


2K Messages

5 years ago

@Ella206 wrote:
Since the last update Xfinity did my internet is draining, daily up to 50 GB we don’t to much it’s mostly phones and no movies or YouTube at all
What’s happening help please

If you have a rented Comcast gateway, you can check Xfinity xFi for device usage at or use the xFI App from the Apple or Google app stores. If you have a personal router, check with the manufacturer if you have the ability to see usage stats. 

If you have an X1 cable box, remember that any show you watch that's marked "Internet" will use data. 

If you have certain devices like the Amazon Fire TV or XBox/Playstation game consoles, or certain online backup services such as Backblaze, OneDrive or Google Drive, note those are notorious data hogs. 




23 Messages

5 years ago

New customer.  Had no idea how much data I used until I signed up at the end of August.  September showed that I  averaged about 17 Gigs/day which seemed like it could be possible.  We are not cord cutters so we have a bunch of X1 boxes in my house.  I figured there was no way we would ever go over. 


Checked today and I am averaging 35 Gigs/day in October.  Basically double, nothing has changed month over month.  I recognize all the devices on my network.  I was told that yesterday/Saturday I used 120 Gigs of data of the 177 Gigs registered for the month.    What happened Saturday?:


I worked until 4 pm then streamed the UNC vs GA Tech football game via Sling since Comcast doesn't have ACC Network then went out dinner and streamed 1 Showtime show and maybe a little Youtube.


Wife was home but she doesn't stream


Son was out all day and spent the night out


Daughter worked a double.  Maybe streamed later but probably not much


I was told by Comcast that the game took 51 gigs/hour if it was in HD.  Not totally sure if Sling is true HD.  Picture was good but I find it hard to believe it could possibly use up to 150 Gigs for 1 game streaming.  

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