8 Messages
Static IP for my router that is connected to my modem xb7 (bridge mode)
I just have a question. How come I cannot get a static ip for my router. I use the xb7 in bridge mode solely because I use my router which has SQM functionality for jitter. Since the xb7 only has docsis-pie configured on the upload side. I need it both for download and upload since download has bad bufferbloat. The reason why I want a static ip is because I believe when I use the modem in bridge mode, it isn’t really in true bridge mode. When I just use the modem I do a speed test with ping as low as 9-12ms. But when I put the modem in bridge mode and ping from the router my ping is as high as 23ms. Obv this is an issue and obv I am dealing with high congestion making the internet unenjoyable for everyone in my almost smart home ready household. If someone from Xfinity from a high level support specialist can help me out. It would be appreciated. Please and thank you.
108.3K Messages
1 year ago
The only way to get a static public / WAN IP assigned is to switch to their Business Class Service.
108.3K Messages
1 year ago
It doesn't work quite like that but it doesn't matter. The short of it is that you can't control or change how they manage QoS traffic flows on their network, and they can't change or control what you decide to do on your own local LAN / network.
108.3K Messages
10 months ago
The packet cable 2.0 spec / protocol is for the eMTA / voice service modem component of the gateway device. It is unrelated to the DOCSIS spec / protocol of the cable modem / data service component.
8 Messages
10 months ago
So I’m still experiencing high latency issues on my internet. Did a trace route and came to find out my first two hops are private subnets. My first hop is mine obviously but my second is That is a private ip. I am on xb8 under bridge mode and my open source router is connected to the xb8. I believe I am under CGNAT from Xfinity. I never had this issue a couple years ago. Now all of a sudden I do. Thanks to traceroute I had found the issue. Why is Xfinity putting my area under cgnat. It is simply a performance bottleneck. Especially for us gamers because it leads to slower response times. I want out of this but Xfinity support won’t budge