11 Messages

Wednesday, December 13th, 2023 3:18 PM


Random internet disconnects

Having random internet disconnect issue recently. Standard Comcast tech support 101 (call & online chat) is going nowhere.

Modem: MB8611(Motorola).

Xfinity speed:    ~900M/25M.

Event log from modem:

       1.UCD invalid or channel unusable

       2.Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out

       3.Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out

       4.SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing


Downstream/Upstream signal strength as followings

Any clue of the possible root cause of the issue?



107.9K Messages

1 year ago

The downstream power is on the low / weak side and it may be intermittently fluctuating even lower to out-of-spec levels. It's way out of spec on the OFDM channel (33) as is the SNR. That can cause random disconnects, spontaneous re-booting of the modem, speed, packet loss, latency problems, and the un-bonding of channels.

In an effort to try to obtain better connectivity / more wiggle room, check to see if there are any excess/unneeded coax cable splitters in the line leading to the modem that can be eliminated/re-configured. Any splitters that remain should be high quality and cable rated for 5-1002 MHz, bi-directional, and no gold colored garbage from Home Depot, Target, Wal-Mart, etc. Splitters should be swapped with known to be good / new ones to test.

Also check the coax cable for any damage such as cuts, nicks, abrasions, kinks, sharp bends, etc.

If there aren't any unneeded splitters that can be eliminated and if your coax wiring setup can't be reconfigured so that there is a single two-way splitter connected directly off of the drop from the street / pole with one port feeding the modem and the other port feeding the rest of the house/equipment with additional splits as needed and you've checked all the wiring and fittings for integrity and tightness and refresh them by taking them apart then check for and clean off any corrosion / oxidation on the center wire and put them back together again, then perhaps it's best to book a tech visit to investigate and correct.

Good luck with it !

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

1 year ago

Hello @user_5fb81w, thank you for taking the time to reach out on social media.  I understand your concern with the connection, and I'd like the opportunity to check into that for you.


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11 Messages

1 year ago

I read that there is firmware with Comcast on this MB8600/8611 model. Some users experience the same but problem goes away once downgrade to lower speed from giga-speed plan.

It appears that this modem model is NOT listed as compatible devices any more from "Full list of Compatible Devices" published by Comcast on 11/23/2023 for "Xfinity 10G" network.

My question is that any Comcast tech support team member from this forum could help to confirm whether this model still will be considered as compatible & support provided for 1Gbps and/or sub-1-Gbps internet plan users or not?

not everyone needs "10G" and for sure they are still many Comcast customer depends on this model for internet connection of sub-giga-speed.

Official Employee


1.1K Messages

That's a great question! There are two different list on the Device Info website. The first shows the recommended ones that have been certified to support the 10g network and faster upload speeds. The second on the full list has ones compatible with our service but either haven't been certified yet for the upgrades or just work with our regular service. The MB8600 and MB8611 show on the compatible list currently here.

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