New Poster
4 Messages
Printer error code E-6
My EPSON printer all of a sudden no longer will connect to my wifi. Nothing else in my house has trouble. I separated out the 2.4 and 5GHz like EPSON recommended, but that didn't matter. The printer says my router may be blocking its MAC address, but I can't anywhere in the app to check that. I'm at a loss and frustrated that there are no people to actually talk to about this.
Official Employee
1.4K Messages
6 months ago
Thank you so much for reaching out, piladep! Since everything can connect except for the printer I'd definitely reach out to EPSON. The only thing we could do is confirm or deny that the printer is on the network. We should be able to help you connect it because the printer isn't an Xfinity product.
31.2K Messages
6 months ago
Moved to Your Home Networking as this is not Accessibility/disability related.