23 Messages
port forwarding not working on XB7 Modem
I have tried on the web and on the mobile app. I'm trying to add my PC to have a certain port forwarded and NO MATTER what browser, app, or what port it is the XB7 shows that "We're having some trouble." Why is this such a difficult thing to do this? Is this by design since I rent this [Edited: "Language"] from comcast? My old router I owned this was a breeze and I'm an IT dude.
Official Employee
2.1K Messages
3 years ago
Hello, @bs92787, thank you for reaching out in our forum for help with your port forwarding concerns. I can see how it would be frustrating to continue to run into issues no matter what you try to set that up. Xfinity has done a great job of creating a really helpful walkthrough on how to set up port forwards, please use this link to access that: Are you following these steps to set that up on your end?