

12 Messages

Friday, July 1st, 2022 4:04 AM


Ping increases drastically randomly


So I am having an issue where while I am gaming, at random times, for no reason, my ping shoots up to 5000 for about 30 seconds, then comes back down. Which often causes me to be removed from matches. I have spoken with 2 agents, one agent two times. The first agent concluded that it was due to me being over my usage 1.2 terabyte limit, which I thought was the cause since I've had similar issues in the past with the same cause, so I upgraded, but that wasn't the case this time. I spoke with the second agent, he told me that he synced my modem with the gateway and that the issue wouldn't occur anymore. Five minutes later, it happened once again. I was able to get reconnected with the same agent and was told to wait 10-20 minutes, a day later, it's still happening, just less often, which is still an issue. I use a ethernet cord from my modem to a Nighthawk router, which uses another ethernet cord to my computer, this is due to the fact that the ethernet cord that I originally purchased was about an inch short of my computer, and it was the longest in stock at the time.



200 Messages

2 years ago

What modem & router do you have?  There are some modems & routers with a known issue that causes excessive latency based on a buggy Intel "Puma" chipset.



12 Messages

@zandor60657​ The modem is a ARRIS TG3482G. The router is a Netgear Nighthawk R6350.



106.2K Messages

2 years ago

FWIW. Do you have the TG3482G *gateway* device in bridge mode ? If not, you should if you are hanging a separate / stand-alone router off of it.



12 Messages

2 years ago

I've enabled bridge mode on the gateway, but my router needs to update, so I will update it and monitor my ping and see if the issue persists or if this was a fix.



12 Messages

2 years ago

It's still happening after enabling bridge mode and updating my router.



200 Messages

2 years ago

That's a Puma 7 modem.  The problems are mostly with Puma 6 AFAIK, but there seems to be a lot of suspicion hanging over Puma 7 as well.  So it could be the modem, especially for gaming problems.

Of course it could also be an issue with cabling, Comcast's equipment, or perhaps even your computer or an ethernet cable.  I've been in IT ~20 years and yeah, I've seen bad NIC ports on computers.  Sometimes they do really weird things when they fail.  I've also had bad cables and problems that were in Comcast's end.  All I'm really saying here is the issue could be anywhere.

The first thing I'd do is log onto the TG3482G's admin interface and check the signal stats and error logs.  Post them on here and we'll have a look.  Just bear in mind you need to redact all the routable IP addresses and MAC addresses (CM-MAC, etc.) from the error logs.  The forums regard those as private personal information and will block your post if you include them.  I'd best to cut and paste rather than posting screen shots.  The forum does quite well with pasted tables.

My Googling says TG3482G = XB6.  Are you renting it?  If so the second thing I'd do is just have Comcast swap it out.  Getting Comcast to swap out a gateway is really easy.  It's like the first thing they want to try if there's a problem.  If you're on a gigabit+ plan you might get an XB8, otherwise they'll probably give you an XB7.



12 Messages

@zandor60657​ I have a tech coming next week, so if the issue continues, should I ask the tech to swap it once they arrive?



12 Messages

2 years ago

I disabled bridge mode on the gateway and managed to get the ethernet cord from my router to reach my computer and connected it directly from my gateway to my computer. No Change. So, the issue lies in the computer, cord or gateway.

Error logs:

[Wifi][7062]: Wifi security mode WPA2-Personal is Enabled 2022/7/1 23:16:05 Notice
[Wifi][7062]: Wifi security mode WPA2-Personal is Enabled 2022/7/1 23:16:05 Notice
DHCPv4[619]: 72001001-DHCPv4 Provision - Completed 2022/7/1 23:15:52 Informational
DHCPv6[728]: 72001002-DHCPv6 Provision - Completed 2022/7/1 23:15:48 Informational
DHCPv6[728]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82 2022/7/1 23:15:46 Critical
DHCPv6[728]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 24 2022/7/1 23:15:46 Critical
DHCPv6[728]: 72001004-DHCPv6 Provision - 0 Retries Attempted with Last attempt at Sat Jul 2 04:15:45 2022 2022/7/1 23:15:46 Critical
DHCPv6[728]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82 2022/7/1 23:15:45 Critical
DHCPv6[728]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 24 2022/7/1 23:15:45 Critical
eRouterEvents[599]: 72003004-eRouter enabled as Dual Stack 2022/7/1 23:15:43 Informational
[Wifi][7062]: WiFi radio Radio1 is set to UP 2022/7/1 23:15:24 Notice
[Wifi][7062]: WiFi radio Radio0 is set to UP 2022/7/1 23:15:22 Notice
eRouterEvents[30056]: 72003001-eRouter is administratively disabled 2022/7/1 23:15:18 Informational
eRouterEvents[30056]: 72003004-eRouter enabled as Dual Stack 2022/7/1 23:15:17 Informational
DHCPv4[6645]: 72001020-DHCPv4 - IP Address Released 2022/7/1 23:15:17 Informational
CcspWifiSsp[7062]: config.utapi s_sysevent_connect: open new sysevent fd 24 2022/7/1 19:55:47 Notice






12 Messages

2 years ago

Googled the error that was appearing in the log, seemed that people who were getting the error were having similar issues, such as 3400 ping then going to normal, I found a possible fix in this thread: https://forums.xfinity.com/conversations/your-home-network/symptom-cannot-reach-url-dhcpv6-missing-option-24-and-option-82-persistent-cable-model-event-error-logs/622cf2e26c4cd02237d454e5

The comment containing the possible solution stated: "I logged into my gateway via web interface ( and under Gateway -> Connection -> Local IP Network, in IPv6 section, the 'Stateless' checkbox was checked and grayed out / cannot be unchecked, but the 'Stateful' checkbox was also checked and able to be toggled. I unchecked the 'Stateful' option and saved settings. BOOM, everything seems to be working fine now!"

I will do the above and monitor the way my connection, in the mean time please keep assisting me.

Edit: It's been about 20 minutes, my ping hasn't gone up yet.




12 Messages

2 years ago

So, after trying the fix mentioned, it still happens just left often, it happened again after about an hour since my last post.



12 Messages

2 years ago

It seems like the following errors appear every time my ping increases. Could this be the cause?

DHCPv6[728]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82 2022/7/1 23:45:56 Critical
DHCPv6[728]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 24 2022/7/1 23:45:56 Critical
DHCPv6[728]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82 2022/7/1 23:45:46 Critical



12 Messages

2 years ago

Well I spoke too soon, the issue no longer happens, I have went through a full night of gaming with it not happening again, seems like the fix mentioned worked.

Edit: Even though the issue is fixed, should I still get the gateway swapped for another?


Regular Visitor


4 Messages

@RM485​ I had ping spikes on my son's PC and I was getting kicked from Xbox series X games.  I had recently installed an XB7.  Changed all cabling to CAT7, changed a computer motherboard, and even tried to put the XB7 in bridge mode to use another router.  Slow speed in Bridge mode had me about to dump the XB7.  I requested an XB8 on the 2nd tech visit.  He brought one and it fixed the issues, along with the wireless interference I was experiencing with the xbox wireless controllers (XB7-arris seemed to interfere with signal, causing the controller to turn off).



12 Messages

@MrScarface​ I'm getting them to swap the XB6 for a XB7, they wont swap it to a XB8 without upgrading from superfast to gigabit.



200 Messages

Interesting that turning off stateful IPv6 (aka DHCPv6) seemed to fix it.  I didn't expect that but I'm also not surprised.  "stateless" is considered normal for IPv6.  You can never really be sure though since Comcast could have fixed something on their side and not told you.  That seems to be how most of my issues have gone.  The usual pattern is outage, Internet comes back online, a little messed up for a day or a few, then one morning I wake up and everything is fine.  Usually the problem goes away the day before or the day of the scheduled tech visit.  Got a "too late to cancel" once but thankfully they didn't charge me for it.

I'm not sure if upgrading is a good idea or not.  You'll have to make that call.  Seems like there are more complaints on here with XB7s than with anything else, but then again it's like their standard issue modem now so ???  There might be more XB6s or even XB3s in service for all I know, but problems tend to happen when something gets changed and downgrading from an XB7 to something older probably doesn't happen unless someone upgrades, has a problem, and then downgrades to an older model.  So I dunno.  The XB7 has a bit nicer specs and faster WiFi.  If you have no use for any of it "ain't broke, don't fix it" is probably safest, but faster WiFi can be nice even if it's more than you need for Internet.  Seeing as you're using it in bridge mode with a separate Netgear router I'd be inclined to skip the upgrade until you need more speed.

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