

4 Messages

Tuesday, June 27th, 2023 11:24 PM


Multiple Outages Every Day

We have been having outages every day, multiple times a day for the past month or so. Starting around 9AM til 9PM. Loss of signal on the modem. Usually lasts anywhere from 2 minutes to 3 hours. I have called multiple times, once I was told there was some work and they have constantly "closed my tech visit" for me because of this. Some have tried to blame the modem (which is mine) but this only happens during the day time hours. Its completely stable after 9PM or so.

What work is being done, and when can we expect to have a reasonably stable Internet connection again?

Central Florida; 34715

I've begun monitoring, and below is just a week. Its also testing every 5 minutes so its not catching the tiny blips.

Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

2 years ago

... Loss of signal on the modem. ...

Are you connecting via Wifi or Ethernet? If Wifi, it's best to switch to an Ethernet cable connection if possible for testing. That would allow you to determine whether the problem is the Wifi signal or the link between your modem or gateway and Comcast's network. Network connection problems that affect both Ethernet and Wifi devices are often due to poor coax connections or damaged coax cable, usually in or near your home. Running the cable through a surge protector, a defective splitter, or too many splitters can cause signal problems as well. If there is an amplifier in the line make sure it's getting power. 

If you want to troubleshoot this yourself, please see Internet Troubleshooting Tips. If you still need help, please post your Internet plan speed and the following information from your modem or gateway (from

  • model number
  • downstream: power levels, SNR (or MER), error counts, and uptime
  • upstream: power levels
  • event log, if available (Be sure to remove or blot out any MAC addresses. Forum security processing considers them "personal information" and may prevent the event log from posting if these are present.)

If you can't find the problem or you'd rather have Comcast take care of it and an employee does not respond to your message here, call them at the phone number on your bill or 1-800-Comcast, or use one of the options on https://www.xfinity.com/support/contact-us/. It's not likely they can fix the problem remotely. If not, insist they send a tech out to identify the cause and correct it.

If the tech finds bad coax, splitters, amplifiers, or connections in your home (even if Comcast originally supplied them) you'll probably have to pay for the visit ($70-$100) unless you have their Service Protection Plan ( https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/service-protection-plan, closed to customers that don't already have it). If the trouble is due to a faulty Comcast rental device or anything outside your home you shouldn't be charged.

Please be aware that there are 2 kinds of responses in this Forum: Replies and Comments. When you Comment on a post by scrolling down to "Comment on this post here...", I am notified of your response. But if you select Reply, I am NOT notified and may not be aware of your response.

Official Employee


2.1K Messages

2 years ago

Hello, @User_85960. Thank you for voicing your concerns here on the Xfinity Forums. No one likes a service interruption inducing me. I know it's frustrating to lose connection. If one or more of your Xfinty services are not working you can check for a reported service interruption in a few different ways. The Xfinity Status Center is a quick and easy resource to check your account status, and, if nothing is reported you can even fix common issues.

In some instances, we can determine your interruption status. If you've registered your mobile phone number for Comcast Alerts, you'll receive proactive text messages for certain service-impacting interruption types providing that information. You'll also receive estimated resolution timeframes, periodic updates, and a final message when the services are restored.

Additionally, you can text OUT to 266278 (COMCST) to check for interruptions in your area. Data and messaging rates may apply. You can also choose the option to Text me with updates to receive a text message update as soon as your Xfinity services are restored. I hope this info helps!




4 Messages

2 years ago

Below is a outage and working modem status.

Procedure 			Status 		Comment
Acquire Downstream Channel 	0 Hz 		In Progress
Connectivity State 		In Progress 	Not Synchronized
Boot State 			In Progress 	Unknown
Configuration File 		In Progress		
Security 			Failed 		BPI+
DOCSIS Network Access Enabled	Denied 	

Downstream Bonded Channels
Channel ID 	Lock Status 	Modulation 	Frequency 	Power 		SNR/MER 	Corrected 	Uncorrectables
0 		Not Locked 	Other 		0 Hz 		-8.0 dBmV 	0.0 dB 		0 		0

Note: Power changes with refreshes: 44.3 dBmV, -14.6 dBmV, 

Upstream Bonded Channels
Channel 	Channel ID 	Lock Status 	US Channel Type 	Frequency 	Width 	Power

Current System Time: --- --- -- --:--:-- ----

07/03/2023 16:11 	84000200 	3 	"SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire FEC framing;CM-MAC=<removed>;CMTS-MAC=00:00:00:00:00:00;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;"
07/03/2023 16:11 	84000100 	3 	"SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;;CM-MAC=<removed>;CMTS-MAC=00:00:00:00:00:00;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;"
07/03/2023 15:58 	82000400 	3 	"Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out;CM-MAC=<removed>;CMTS-MAC=<removed>;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;"
07/03/2023 15:58 	84000100 	3 	"SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;;CM-MAC=<removed>;CMTS-MAC=<removed>;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;"
07/03/2023 15:58 	82000400 	3 	"Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out;CM-MAC=<removed>;CMTS-MAC=<removed>;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;"
07/03/2023 15:58 	84000100 	3 	"SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;;CM-MAC=<removed>;CMTS-MAC=<removed>;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;"

Procedure 			Status 		Comment
Acquire Downstream Channel 	507000000 Hz 	Locked
Connectivity State 		OK 		Operational
Boot State 			OK 		Operational
Configuration File 		OK		
Security 			Enabled 	BPI+
DOCSIS Network Access Enabled	Allowed 	

Downstream Bonded Channels
Channel ID 	Lock Status 	Modulation 	Frequency 	Power 	SNR/MER 	Corrected 	Uncorrectables
5 		Locked 	QAM256 	507000000 Hz 	0.1 dBmV 	38.5 dB 	0 	0
2 		Locked 	QAM256 	483000000 Hz 	0.6 dBmV 	38.4 dB 	0 	0
3 		Locked 	QAM256 	489000000 Hz 	0.6 dBmV 	38.3 dB 	0 	0
4 		Locked 	QAM256 	495000000 Hz 	0.6 dBmV 	38.4 dB 	0 	0
6 		Locked 	QAM256 	513000000 Hz 	-0.1 dBmV 	38.4 dB 	0 	0
7 		Locked 	QAM256 	519000000 Hz 	0.0 dBmV 	38.4 dB 	0 	0
8 		Locked 	QAM256 	525000000 Hz 	-0.2 dBmV 	38.5 dB 	0 	0
9 		Locked 	QAM256 	531000000 Hz 	-0.1 dBmV 	38.4 dB 	0 	0
10 		Locked 	QAM256 	537000000 Hz 	0.0 dBmV 	38.4 dB 	0 	0
11 		Locked 	QAM256 	543000000 Hz 	0.4 dBmV 	38.5 dB 	0 	0
12 		Locked 	QAM256 	549000000 Hz 	1.0 dBmV 	38.7 dB 	0 	0
13 		Locked 	QAM256 	555000000 Hz 	1.0 dBmV 	38.7 dB 	0 	0
14 		Locked 	QAM256 	561000000 Hz 	1.3 dBmV 	38.8 dB 	0 	0
15 		Locked 	QAM256 	567000000 Hz 	1.7 dBmV 	38.8 dB 	0 	0
16 		Locked 	QAM256 	573000000 Hz 	1.9 dBmV 	38.8 dB 	0 	0
17 		Locked 	QAM256 	579000000 Hz 	1.6 dBmV 	38.7 dB 	0 	0
18 		Locked 	QAM256 	585000000 Hz 	0.4 dBmV 	38.5 dB 	0 	0
19 		Locked 	QAM256 	591000000 Hz 	0.1 dBmV 	38.4 dB 	0 	0
20 		Locked 	QAM256 	597000000 Hz 	-0.2 dBmV 	38.5 dB 	0 	0
21 		Locked 	QAM256 	603000000 Hz 	-1.0 dBmV 	38.2 dB 	0 	0
22 		Locked 	QAM256 	609000000 Hz 	-1.4 dBmV 	38.0 dB 	0 	0
23 		Locked 	QAM256 	615000000 Hz 	-1.6 dBmV 	37.9 dB 	0 	0
24 		Locked 	QAM256 	621000000 Hz 	-1.7 dBmV 	38.0 dB 	0 	0
25 		Locked 	QAM256 	627000000 Hz 	-0.9 dBmV 	38.1 dB 	0 	0
26 		Locked 	QAM256 	633000000 Hz 	1.4 dBmV 	38.6 dB 	0 	0
27 		Locked 	QAM256 	639000000 Hz 	2.3 dBmV 	39.0 dB 	0 	0
28 		Locked 	QAM256 	645000000 Hz 	0.6 dBmV 	38.6 dB 	0 	0
29 		Locked 	QAM256 	651000000 Hz 	0.6 dBmV 	38.5 dB 	0 	0
30 		Locked 	QAM256 	657000000 Hz 	-0.4 dBmV 	38.4 dB 	0 	0
31 		Locked 	QAM256 	663000000 Hz 	-1.6 dBmV 	38.0 dB 	0 	0
32 		Locked 	QAM256 	669000000 Hz 	-2.7 dBmV 	37.7 dB 	0 	0
37 		Locked 	Other 	690000000 Hz 	-0.6 dBmV 	36.5 dB 	9893320 	0

Upstream Bonded Channels
Channel 	Channel ID 	Lock Status 	US Channel Type 	Frequency 	Width 	Power
1 	5 	Locked 	SC-QAM Upstream 	35600000 Hz 	6400000 Hz 	36.0 dBmV
2 	6 	Locked 	SC-QAM Upstream 	29200000 Hz 	6400000 Hz 	36.0 dBmV
3 	7 	Locked 	SC-QAM Upstream 	22800000 Hz 	6400000 Hz 	36.0 dBmV
4 	8 	Locked 	SC-QAM Upstream 	16400000 Hz 	6400000 Hz 	36.0 dBmV
5 	10 	Locked 	SC-QAM Upstream 	39600000 Hz 	1600000 Hz 	37.0 dBmV

Current System Time: Mon Jul 3 19:09:34 2023 


Official Employee


1.8K Messages

Thanks for making us aware of the service interruption in your area, @User_85960. Have your services been restored since you submitted your post?

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
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4 Messages

2 years ago

Sadly no, its still constantly up and down. It's been online and working since the 8th but that was over the weekend. I fully expect it to drop again at least twice today and going into the week.

I'm going to call again and try to get a tech to visit and just test the lines, or at least tell us there is work in the area.

Official Employee


2K Messages

Has the service been getting any better for you @User_85960? We are happy to do some troubleshooting with you if needed. 

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Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
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1 Message

Same thing here, 08021 last two weeks or so, few times a day Internet goes off for few minutes. Any ideas why is it happening and when it is going to be fixed?

Also on Xfinity website it was a note for a while that outages were reported and it will be addressed couple days ago. Obiously it did NOT get addressed

Official Employee


2.1K Messages

Hi, @user_3c34a2! Thank you for patiently waiting for a response after contacting XFINITY over our forums' page for help with the internet service concerns. I have been in your shoes before so I can understand the inconvenience that this can cause. Are the services still going off for a few moments since we last spoke?

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
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1 Message

1 year ago

Having same problem. Replaced modem on Sat. No interpretation until today. It's very frustrating. 

Official Employee


2.1K Messages

This is not the feeling we want for anyone, @user_g9rvd6! Our team is here to help in every way we can. We'd like to ask a few questions and troubleshoot with you to ensure you're able to get the most out of your Xfinity internet. Let's take a closer look together. Can you please send a direct chat message with your full name and complete service address to “Xfinity Support”? To do so, click on the chat icon located at the top right of this forum's page.
Here are the detailed steps to direct message us:
• Click "Sign In" if necessary
• Click the "Direct Message” icon (upper right corner of this page)
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
• Press Enter to send your message

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
We ask that you post publicly so people with similar questions may benefit from the conversation.
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109K Messages

1 year ago


Please create a new topic of your own here on this board detailing your issue. Thanks. 

For future reference, it is better to submit your own post as it creates a ticket to get help, and posting on an old thread can delay getting help.

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