13 Messages

Monday, September 30th, 2024 3:48 PM

Multiple internet drops every day--no solution

I see this is a problem MANY people have encountered for the past several years, and I know it is a fault with xfinity's equipment and/or service, but as this is the only place I haven't tried posting, here goes.

There was a massive outage in my area on 9/16. Since then, I have been experiencing drops of internet service multiple times a day that generally last 3-5 seconds each. Sometimes they are long enough to make the light on the modem flash orange, but almost always the light stays white even though every single device I have that is connected to my internet loses connection at the same time. I have spent very fruitless amounts of time on the phone with customer service, and the answer they give is either:

1) reset your router (which I have done with no change), or
2) your devices must be the problem (which is utterly laughable, as I have several devices connected to the internet which have not experienced problems before 9/16. You're expecting me to believe that everything I own went defective at the same time?)

Your customer service claims they can't do anything since the connection appears to be strong, even though it drops multiple times a day. They also tried to shift the blame onto me by saying my devices were defective or talking about internet speed--which is not the issue. I have changed nothing in my setup for months since being forced to change to your service, and everything has been working correctly (except for your, you know, multiple nationwide outages) since then, until the area outage on 9/16. The problem is very obviously not on my end.

I have a massive amount of correctable codewords in my connection log--a number significantly higher than the unerrored codewords. Based on what I've looked into, this points to a problem on xfinity's side, and is likely something affecting my entire community (as I'm in a forced HOA with a forced internet, which is the only reason I use this awful service to begin with). Xfinity refuses to admit that this might be on their side, even though the problem dates precisely to the large outage and nothing else has changed.

I demand that you send a tech out to the *community,* not just to my home, and fix what you didn't actually fix last time. This is negatively impacting my work, and I should not have to be charged for a service call that stems from something that is very obviously your fault to begin with. Also, please spare me the script. I've heard it too many times and I've lost my patience.

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

6 days ago

Hello @user_baap7r, thank you for taking the time to reach out on social media. I know how important it is to have reliable service, and I'd like the opportunity to check into that for you.


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13 Messages

6 days ago

For anyone following this issue who may be experiencing something similar:

Talked to a person. They actually admitted they're seeing signal problems on their end instead of just blaming my devices, which was a nice change. Scheduled a technician for later this week to see if they can figure out the larger problem in the area. Will update with results.

2 Messages

4 days ago

I have exact same issue.  I have purchased new modem and router, but still same issue.

13 Messages

I can see in these forums just in the last week alone a staggeringly large number of posts about this very issue--and the techs always say "replace the modem." That is not the problem. It's a network problem, and it's frustrating that xfinity won't admit this and won't fix things.

13 Messages

2 days ago

Technician came. Checked the signal outside, said everything looked good and all wiring was new (which it is, as my HOA just changed to xfinity for everyone earlier this year). Came inside and checked my modem, telling me that the signal was coming in too hot, which I already know because 1) the person I chatted with through this board confirmed that it was a signal problem on their side, and 2) I can see the high power levels when I check my modem specs. He said he was going to replace my modem and add in a splitter.

I stopped him. I have confirmation from my HOA that 1) they've talked to xfinity already about this issue and 2) it's not just me having this problem in the community. I told him that there's no way it's just my equipment, given that other people in the area are having the exact same issue, and given that my HOA has also talked to them. He said he was just a home technician and he had no authorization to work on the network, so he could replace my modem and see if that fixed things, and if not, he could come back.

I stopped him again. I KNOW this won't fix things, as I've seen this same issue detailed many times on these very forums, and--more importantly--the xfinity person I talked to here confirmed it's a signal problem on their end, and, again, it's not just me. I asked if they were going to replace everyone's modems, then, if that was the problem. He said he couldn't do anything about anyone else--he was just here for my service.

I was frustrated. I finally showed him the DMs from this site, where it says clearly that it's a signal problem on xfinity's side. I also showed him the message from my HOA confirming they've talked to xfinity. He sent a screenshot of the xfinity chat to his boss, then called them. His boss said this must be a larger network problem and so this technician could do nothing. His boss confirmed based on those things that my equipment is not the problem.

The technician said they would elevate this to the network team--which is where it should have gone in the first place, but xfinity apparently doesn't communicate internally with each other at all. He said that they should call me, but if they don't, I have to go into a physical store to talk to someone to get the problem elevated.

So, the end result is that the problem is still not solved.

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I should add that as he was leaving, the technician asked if the internet tends to drop in the mornings and evenings, which I confirmed--sometimes it happens in the middle of the day, but the most common times are morning and evening. He said this usually points to a network problem, not a problem with individual equipment. Given that all this was known in the first place, I'm very frustrated that this technician had to waste his time coming out, when xfinity should have communicated that it was a network problem in the first place.

Official Employee


1.2K Messages

@user_baap7r - Thank you for these updates! We're looking further into the technician's work, and will reply to you via direct message momentarily.

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13 Messages

1 day ago

And now the technician is claiming I wasn't even home when he came---so that's a fun new twist. I was definitely home, and everything happened as described above. The tech, however, has not escalated the issue as he said he would.

Will someone please actually follow through on this? It's clear from this forum that there are MANY people experiencing these kinds of frequent internet drops across the country. Clearly, xfinity is having network issues. Please fix them and follow through on your promises!

2 Messages

21 hours ago

Since I have same issue for while, I have contacted Comcast.

I don’t know why but the issue seems to get better temporarily after they try to fix remotely.  But issue starts again later.

i am not sure this is Comcast  hardware issue or Comcast server/network issue….

Tech is coming over to fix…. Hope it will fix permanently.

13 Messages

It's absolutely not a hardware issue. Xfinity told me they see a signal problem on their end--and you'll also see tons of posts in these forums (from just the past two weeks) of people having the same problem, many of whom have replaced their modem with no changes. It's an xfinity network problem. When the tech comes they'll just try to replace your equipment. It won't solve the problem. Good luck.

13 Messages

18 hours ago

Ongoing drama which I feel the people using these forums for help should know.

In DMS, one CSR told me that it was probably an error that the tech said I wasn't home when they came (overlooking the fact that they also didn't elevate this to the network team as promised) and told me that this issue could "easily be fixed" by sending another tech out. I said this was unacceptable, as this has already happened--the issue is bigger than just me even in my neighborhood, and sending another tech out just to tell me I need to replace my modem wasn't good enough.

The CSR replied that they believed it was a bigger issue, and promised that this time the tech would inspect the outside equipment. Which obviously they've already done--as I've explained in these posts. I said no--this was backtracking. I said that a tech had already come and had already inspected both outside and inside, and that they and their supervisor both said this was a network problem that needed to be resolved by the network team. I said that we were beyond having an individual home tech come out to inspect individual home service.

At this point, a new CSR took over and said, and I quote: "Thanks for providing those details. In order to have the outside equipment checked, we'll need a technician to visit the home and open a ticket. Would you like to schedule the technician visit?"

At this point it definitely feels like I'm chatting with a bot.

1 Message

There is nothing funny at all about having an outage and the disruption(s) it can cause. With that being said, Baap7r you have me dying laughing. The tech saying you weren't home got me. I've been dealing with the same constant drops for a little under the last week or so. It's gotten progressively worse each hour. As I type this now, my internet connection is in flux. My customer service interaction story on this matter isn't as detailed or hilarious but I'll chime in:

I reported an outage yesterday and the bot politely scheduled for a tech to come out today between 3-5PM. Cool enough, I thought. Earlier this morning (9AM'ish), I received a text from Comcast stating they were aware of an outage in my area and were working on it. They even listed an estimated fix completion time of 12:15PM. In taking out my garbage, I saw the Comcast truck at the cable box for my complex and again thought that was cool enough. While they were here, internet services were completely out and the modem's green light signal showed as much. At least progress was being made.

In the middle of some Sunday cleaning and what not, you can imagine my surprise/relief when Comcast sent a text message at 11:05AM stating that the issue had been resolved at 10:45AM. I hadn't even paid attention that my modem color light was white (good to go). I promptly connected my devices annnnnd within a minute (if that) the same disconnects took place. I responded to the automated text with the given option of my issue hasn't been resolved. I was then given instructions to disconnect power from my modem, plug back in, and wait 10 minutes for my device to come back online. This, of course, didn't resolve my constant disconnection issue.

At this point, I had to go to the website (via my cellphone's data for any Comcast tech reading this) and re-stated my issue to the automated bot. Their response? "We see you've had a similar issue in the past. You have an appointment scheduled for 3-5PM. We'll look into this further after your tech visit."

Man what?

Baap7r, I read your posts above and already know that I'll be given another modem which will not resolve the issue. Them actually being onsite and planting a victory flag in the ground before ridiing off into the sunset like anything was actually fixed is kinda funny to me. I'm really hoping they bring the truck back out to take another look at whatever they were prying at earlier. I highly doubt my issue will be resolved with a new modem. 

Something that could be useful/helpful/informative for any technician reading this: my disconnect issue pertains to everything xfinity. Disconnects happen frequently when using ethernet/wifi/xFinity Mobile 2.0. (I thought the latter would be a slick workaround until this issue is resolved but nope.)

Still lol @ technician saying you weren't home. Your post is appreciated. Hang in there, we'll all get back right....eventually and hopefully sooner than later.

13 Messages

Yeah, this is a good time. They're telling me now that because the technician didn't follow up as he should have, they have to send a second tech out to start the process over again. And if that person also fails to follow up, I'll be stuck in this awful time loop forever...

13 Messages

6 hours ago

They're claiming now that they can't do anything because the technician that they sent didn't follow up with them. If I want them to escalate this to the network team--as the original tech said they would do--I have to have ANOTHER tech come over and make the same useless inspection the first tech made, then hope that they follow up as promised so that they can generate a work order for the next step. They claim they can't elevate the issue on their own, despite all evidence that the correct steps have been followed except by THEIR employee, who dropped the ball.

When I asked to speak to a supervisor (more than once) they would not allow it.

This is absolutely disgusting customer service behavior. I would respect the company more if you'd just admit you have some nationwide network problem that you haven't figured out yet (which seems to be the truth, based on the dozens and dozens of posts about this very problem in the past two weeks).

Since this is affecting everyone that lives in my HOA, I'm turning the issue over to our board. Maybe there's strength in numbers, or if I'm very lucky they'll cancel our contract, since we are in no way getting the service we're paying for.

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