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4 Messages

Monday, January 9th, 2023 6:22 PM


Motorola MB8611 Reboots/Restarts Multiple Times a Day - PLEASE HELP!

Hi, I have the MB8611 and its constantly restarting/rebooting throughout the day. Almost once a hour. Not sure what todo. PLEASE HELP! Note: If someone has a recommendation of another device that works well, (as it seems everyone has this problem) please let me know. I am happy to replace it.




4 Messages

2 years ago

I had a technician from Comcast visit my home. They stated it was a known issue and that many people in my area (San Jose) have been experiencing this and its mostly due to old wiring. He updated some of the connectors and wires and things appear to be working. Will update once if I dont see any more issues the rest of the day/week.



4 Messages

2 years ago

The tech came, it did get a bit better. Went from rebooting every hour to rebooting once or 2x per day. But its still happening. They said they are going to escalate the issue. No real fix yet :(



10 Messages

2 years ago

I too am having the same problem.  Sometimes it can happen several times a day.  Othertimes it won't happen at all that day.

I put in a service call with Motorola.  When I turned my modem over to look at the model number and such, I noticed that my coax cable had become slightly loose in the process.  The cable modem rebooted as evidenced by seeing the lights go out and come back on and by seeing that the logs had cleared and had only the boot up and acquire signal logs.

Try tightening all of your coax connections with a wrench.  I'm thinking that when there is a disruption of connectivity, no matter how brief, the cable modem is rebooting.  Ideally the modem would simply work to re-acquire the signal, but perhaps there is a bug in this new code that is causing the cable modem to reboot.  If there is a hiccup, you normally won't notice as many network protocols are reasonably forgiving and will recover, but when there is an outage you will know.

(I worked as a network engineer for many years and have solved a few of these maddening problems over the years.  Problems like due to firmware, heat, and bad new parts.  A loose cable like this may not happen in a lab environment where they test the firmware.)



10 Messages

@user_c5a405​ Update.  So much for my idea.  It has already rebooted once since I tightend the coax with a wrench.  Still waiting on a callback from Motorola.  Ha!



17 Messages

2 years ago

Same here. No improvement after technician visiting, but a promise to escalate.

Problem Solver


948 Messages

2 years ago

@user_c5a405  My mb8611 performance is impeccable, so could there possibly be a conflict of some sort between the mb8611 and the router and devices attached to it, there is plenty of documentation of hardware conflicts between different aspects of a network, am curious if it could possibly transfer to the mb8611 possibly being the weakest link… just a thought…



17 Messages

@Jlavaseur​ Yes, there could be a conflict, but in my case it's not in my network. If I connect my laptop directly to the modem it will still exhibit this behavior. My mb8611 performance is also impeccable, except when it's reconnecting to Comcast's network! It is reconnecting due to changes in the signal or possible direct commands from the DOCSIS network under Comcast's control. Nothing on my side is causing the reconnects. When it is connected, it is flawless.



10 Messages

@Jlavaseur​ I don't think so.  I've had this ASUS router for a few years now.  It's been running the same firmware since March/April last year.  There have been no further firmware updates from ASUS since.

I got this cable modem at the end of October.  It had been rock solid up until about a couple weeks ago.  The previous modem never had problems either, but Xfinity recommended that I upgrade my modem so I did.  

Problem Solver


948 Messages

2 years ago

@user_37645  What is interesting is folks on the Cox isp are echoing almost verbatim of what is being of concern here, same modem the mb8611, to me that’s very odd, also with some oddities if I boot into Linux they magically vanish, I wonder if a mb8611 was rebooted with nothing attached to it if would reboot or not…




17 Messages

@Jlavaseur​ It's not that odd. I suspect Cox and Comcast operate similar equipment on their networks. It seems like a firmware issue or a change in line conditions that has made this particular modem (and possibly others?) prone to reconnects. I am quite confident it has nothing to do with the equipment on the LAN side. I see the exact same behavior whether I'm on my iPhone, my MacBook, my son's Windows PC, our Linux gaming PC, etc. All of these devices were running on the network flawlessly all summer, also. If I power off the modem, disconnect the LAN cable, and power it back on, it will start up just fine and negotiate a connection to the cable network. The status lights and a remote status check from the Xfinity app via cellular shows the modem online.



10 Messages

@Jlavaseur​ Sounds odd.  You're connecting your machine directly into the cable modem and booting between operating systems?  No router?

The only odd thing I did notice is that I had a constant ping going to a DNS server on the Internet in order to monitor connectivity.  At the same time I was in a Microsoft Teams call.  I noticed the ping stop, but the Teams call worked for several more seconds before it died.

Problem Solver


948 Messages

2 years ago

@user_37645  Cox is fiber, same problem, they actually use the Xb8 as their rented modem, anyway point is I do things differently, settings etc, so as long as someone has devices attached to the mb8611, I don’t see how you could rule out a interaction, reboot nothing attached, that to me would rule out any interaction if it still reboots, if it don’t reboot that’s another story, btw I am not a engineer, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express…



10 Messages

@Jlavaseur​ I'm still within my 90 day window to return the modem through Amazon.  I think tomorrow I will see if I can put my old modem back in, make sure things are stable, and return the modem.  No use fighting with it when it seems nothing is going to be done about it anytime soon.  Motorola support still hasn't called me back and I got into the queue first thing this morning.



10 Messages

Wife left the house so I went ahead and put my old modem back in and I'm up and running again.  Gonna box up this MB8611 and return it.  Even if it's not the problem, there are known problems with this modem so I might as well get my money back while I can.



17 Messages

@Jlavaseur​ This is a DOCSIS cable modem we're talking about. Cox and Comcast (and pretty much every ISP in existence) both use optical signaling over fiber for the backbone of their network, but they serve the "last mile" connection to consumers predominantly using electromagnetic signaling via coaxial cable. That is the equipment in question here and is common across both carriers. I can rule out the interaction by watching the the cable connection drop and reestablish periodically by watching the indicator lights on the modem when nothing is connected to the LAN port. I do not have the time, patience, or inclination to do that right now because there is an overwhelming amount of evidence pointing to the issue being on the cable network which I have no control over. BTW, I am a software engineer with a significant amount of experience with networking technologies, but it has been a while since I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express :P

To be clear, the issue here is that the modem periodically disconnects and reconnects to the cable network. To troubleshoot any issue, you try to find the consistent conditions across occurrences of the issue to try and establish causality. Here's what I know:

  • I can experience the issue with a different mix of devices on my side. It happens on WiFi, it happens on a wired connection. It happens with or without my switch in the wired path. It happens no matter what devices I'm using to access the internet. It happens no matter what application I'm using.
  • I am unable to directly cause this issue by any pattern of usage on my side. It might happen halfway through watching a movie on Netflix, it might happen in the middle of a Zoom call. It might happen as I try to send an email.
  • Whenever it does happen, I can access everything on my local network just fine, including the admin console for the model. Examining the state of the modem at the time of the issue always shows the same thing - a connection is in progress and the event logs show a consistent pattern. It appears that the modem is reacting to line conditions or other signals on the cable network side and the connection resets.
  • Many other Comcast customers are reporting the same issues.
  • I have not introduced new networking equipment or meaningfully changed my internet usage since this issue began for me.

Given this evidence, it makes more sense for Comcast to rule out an issue on their side than for me to start changing things on my side.




106.2K Messages

  Cox is fiber, same problem

It's HFC just like Comcast. A cable modem like the 8611 couldn't be used on an FTTP / FTTH connection.

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10 Messages

@emattheis​ My modem, perhaps like others, doesn't just disconnect.  It reboots!  This really shouldn't happen.  This is evidenced by the clearing of the logs.  Motorola still hasn't called me back from this morning.  I still have until 1/31 to get my money back.  I put my old modem back in and I'm running again.  My 8611 is boxed and ready for return.  At this point, even if Motorola fixes the problem, I'm done with this particular modem.  Even if they do eventually fix this problem, who's to say that there won't be another problem?

Problem Solver


948 Messages

2 years ago

@user_c5a405  This is going to probably be confusing, win 10 along with your network card, I am talking basically WiFi but can be complicated, so approximately every 5 - 10  minutes it will disconnect you to search for a better channel, access point, it’s supposed to be seem less, for the majority of people it is, but it sometimes don’t reconnect in a timely fashion, a lot of possibly reasons, it sometimes can take many minutes, so your monitoring software noticed a disconnect, probably possibly what I am describing, so your team call or zoom etc, buffers the call etc, probably different times relative to the software, for me on YouTube, I can pull the plug on my modem, yet the music stream for it seems like minute, I never actually timed it, so after the buffer time it probably disconnects, but it might not actually disconnect but seem to freeze, it was hard for me to diagnose at first for two reasons, first when it happened, it happened like a minute or so before my YouTube etc disconnected, so it was hard to pinpoint, second in the logs I really didn’t see much because it probably wasn’t technically a error if it didn’t loose connection, at this point I am sure you don’t believe me, but this is all verifiable if you search for it.

one thing I always do is in the device manger in win 10, I always uncheck the ‘power management’ box’s on both network cards, even on the Microsoft website they say if you have unexplainable gremlins going on uncheck the box, think about it, I don’t want Microsoft/network card possibly sending less power to my network card etc, possibly throttling me, to save energy, who knows what actually goes on, again this is all verifiable on the web 

Another thing I do is on my router is pick a appropriate channel and bandwidth, I would go lower bandwidth to possibly help if you have a close neighbor to avoid possible overlap of WiFi signals, anyway I take the channel selection off ‘auto’ , another thing I read is to use wpa3 encryption method, supposedly it’s supported to remedy some on this, another thing I did was to refresh my win 10 operating system, after all my computer was over 10 years old, plus I read where wifi6e might have some difficulties some outdated and current build, why I was on the Microsoft download page, I got the expected error that my computer wasn’t capable with win 11, ironically on the Microsoft website it explained how to bypass the errors and install it anyway which I did, sorry I got sidetracked, I did both right into the modem, plus into the router, Linux is on the same computer..



50 Messages

Take a rest.




1 Message

2 years ago

I also have a MB8611 and have noticed this problem the past few days. Seems much worse during work hours, but have noticed it during all hours. I usually have ping plotter going and my connection is solid until it will just randomly reboot every few hours.

I noticed this issue a few times when I signed up for XFinity at the end of December but it went away after a couple days (When there was an acknowledged outage in my area for the good chunk of the day) I assumed it was XFinity sending updates to the modem at this time as part of provisioning. At the time I noticed I was on Software Version 8611-19.2.18 on December 23rd.

Modem is currently on Software Version 8611-21.3.7 . Sadly I did not take note of updates between now and then to see if this "new" version coincided with the these sudden reboots.


Problem Solver


948 Messages

2 years ago

@EG  but does have it listed, along with the Xb8 list as a fiber gateway, confusing to me, 



106.2K Messages


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948 Messages

2 years ago

@emattheis thanks you answered my question about if anything was attached to the modem and it still reboots…

Problem Solver


948 Messages

2 years ago

@emattheis  I was just trying to find a common denominator perhaps, throw some ideas, information back and forth, mine don’t reboot, so something’s probably different, but could probably even compare the date of manufacture, anyway I am out



17 Messages

@Jlavaseur​ I appreciate the input! It’s helpful to have information from customer who don’t have the issue. I’d be curious to know if your modem is logging the same events that I see when my modem reconnects, if you’re willing to share.

Problem Solver


948 Messages

2 years ago

@emattheis My event logs are close when i first boot up, all these critical errors etc, ill post them when i edit them, so i am curious if anyone did a factory reset, plus i was reading that if you unplug the modem for roughly 30 seconds, it will re download the firmware etc, so what if the firmware folks got is semi corrupted, if it reboots and still is using the corrupted firmware, i would expect it to keep being funky, but fresh who knows.. just a thought...




17 Messages

@Jlavaseur​  Also curious to know what your connection page reports for system up time. When I compare the event logs and the system up time, I can see that the connection is resetting every time I see the logs reporting the pattern of events starting with “DS profile assignment change.” I can see that my connection is actually resetting a lot more than I notice. It only takes a few minutes to reconnect, so it’s only apparent when it happens in the middle of an activity that is actively trying to connect to the internet (e.g. - a video call, navigating to new pages on the web, playing an online game).


Problem Solver


948 Messages

2 years ago

@emattheis Sorry it got marked private, I have edit more

Problem Solver


948 Messages

2 years ago

@emattheis sorry its very sloppy, i rebooted my modem earlier, i am working on just using the router portion of a xb8, by passing the modem...




17 Messages

@Jlavaseur​ Interesting. Based on your reported experience and the log, it looks like when your modem logs the 'DS profile assignment change', the connection remains stable as the modem adjusts to the new profile. Presumably if you look at the uptime report, it will show that the modem stayed connected across the time of the profile change event in the log. When my modem exhibits the reconnecting behavior, it logs the profile change and three subsequent warnings.

If we look further up in the log, we see the 'Honoring MDD' notice (not shown in my screenshot, because I cut it off, but it is there along with the same diplexer mode change messages you show in your log). MDD is a 'MAC Domain Descriptor' and represents a message that is sent periodically on the cable network to instruct modems how to properly connect. The modem is responsible for adapting to the instructions in this message to properly connect to the network. My theory is that in certain segments of the Comcast network, MDD messages are being sent with parameters that the MB8611 does not tolerate, leading to a complete renegotiation of the connection and the intermittent connectivity issues some of us are seeing. In other segments of the network, the MDD parameters are tolerated just fine and no reconnection occurs. I suspect if I had been looking at the event logs a few months ago when my modem wasn't reconnecting, it would have looked much like yours, without the warnings.

@EG would love to hear your thoughts on that theory...




3 Messages

@emattheis​ I just found this thread searching for answers to my issues with the same modem. My log looks very similar to this one. My modem is disconnecting and reconnecting 2-5 times a day. What is the solution here? Buy a new modem or roll back to a stable firmware version(how do I do that)? Any advice is appreciated.

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