

19 Messages

Friday, April 21st, 2023 1:10 AM


MB8611 keeps rebooting...

Like many of you, my MB8611 keeps rebooting.  And although they keep downgrading my firmware, it only last a few weeks before we do it all again.

Why am I posting a repeat issue ...just thought you'd like to see the chat I had today with Motorola's tech support on this issue:

From Brandon A at Motorola Mentor:


I understand your frustration. This was an update they randomly decided to push a few months back and it caused a massive number of problems, this same exact problem you're experiencing, with all of our 8611 devices on their network.

They handle all of the firmware and had told us they were downgrading all of their devices back to a more stabel version, 19.2.xx.

I'm not sure why they keep reverting reverting your device to an unstable version knowing that firmware doesn't work.

I'm not sure why they keep telling you to contact us knowing it is something only they handle, but I hear that almost 50 times daily.

With your device on that firmware, it's going to constantly restart and have those issues. Unfortunately, this is only a problem they can handle as we don't deal with firmware at all, and know the cause of this is that firmware.

There's no reason for them to be constantly upgrading you to an unstable version. At this point it sounds like they are knowingly upgrading you to that version on purpose, as I couldn't think of any reason to keep upgrading you to an unstable version.


Yeah, it's been something they've known for quite a long time. Our managment had to sit down with theirs to inform them this change had to be fixed, which is why the reversion started in the first place.

They informed us they reverted all of those devices, but for some reason it seems like they keep updating yours for whatever reason.

I agree the customer is losing, but the fault falls entirely on Comcast and it's not something they'll admit on a support level, or any level at all for that matter.

We've replaced thousands of 8611's with this same issue only for the same exact thing to happen when that new device arrived.


...as soon as that new version was pushed our support line was swamped with 8611 tickets.

As for the newer firmware versions, we don't deal with the firmware at all. It's all passed through that coaxial line by your service provider. You can find more information on the page below regarding that.  How do I update the modem firmware? – Motorola Mentor (motorolanetwork.com) (https://help.motorolanetwork.com/hc/en-us/articles/216091737-How-do-I-update-the-modem-firmware-)



FIX THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Frequent mb8611 disconnects...

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