Saturday, August 24th, 2024 7:03 PM


Manual device IP for LAN

My Playstation 5 is not being assigned an IP address when I try to make an automatic LAN connection. Manually setting the IP address also fails. First, I purchased a new cat6 cable and retried the automatic connect. That did not work. I modified the Xfinity Gateways DHCP range to begin at and manually set the PS5 IP address to I used the default address(, subnet mask(, and DNS server( primary, secondary) that were displayed in the Xfinity app. When that did not work I reset the Xfinity Gateway and PS5 and tried again. When that did not work I tried googles DNS server( How can I connect my PS5 to the Xfinity gateway LAN with an Ethernet cable?

P.S. The Wifi connection is terrible even though it is less than 10 feet away from the gateway with direct line of sight.  The xfinity app always says there is a strong connection to the device and I am getting above advertised speeds. There are only two people in the household, we purchased the highest bandwidth plan available to us. There is very light network traffic when the ps5 is being used, it is not competing with other streaming or gaming devices. Thank you in advance

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7 months ago

Hi there, @user_rglere, and thanks for reaching out to us here on the Community Forum! Have you checked out the information on how to connect PS5 via wired connection here: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/connectivity/internet-connect-playstation/

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