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Hitron CODA56 experiences?
After 3 frustrating days trying to get an Arris S33 modem (the Comcast-recommended model) to work I've had to give up and return it, going back to the Comcast modem.
With the Comcast modem I was getting 910/240, but with the Arris I only got 720/5 (yes, only 5 Mbps upload). They even sent a tech out to check signal levels and everything was fine.
So now I'm looking at the Hitron CODA56 (also on the Comcast-recommended list) and am curious if anybody has experience with this modem and is getting the advertised speeds.
5 Messages
1 year ago
I just installed the Hitron CODA56 at my home and it works very well with the service I have. I do not have mid splits in my area yet and I am on the highest plan available 1200/35 plan. I get 1400/42 speeds and 12ms latency consistently and have seen no issues with the CODA56 so far. I got it to be ready for the mid split upgrade as it's on the approved list. I have been told the new higher speeds will be available here "soon". I would recomend it and it's on black friday sale at Amazon now.
5 Messages
1 year ago
If you get it let me know how it works on the new higher upstream speeds. Good Luck!
5 Messages
1 year ago
I have the Gig 1000Mbps DL/100Mps UL plan. I previously had the Motorola MB8611 which was rock solid and had great DL speeds but my UL speeds seemed to be capped at 24Mbps. It turns out Xfinity ONLY provides the higher speeds to their own gateways or a limited list on the "Next Gen" tier. I took my chances with the CODA56 (on the list) and Immediately went to 124Mbps Upload. I was able to activate using the Xfinity app in under 15 minutes. I wish the ARRIS S33 was on the "Next Gen" list since it gets good reviews and has a 2 year warranty. The CODA56 only gets a 180 day warranty, so a little worried. The cost is reasonable at about $140 at Amazon. I am in the Portland area where the faster speeds are available. They charge $15/mo rental here, so it will pay for itself in a little over 9 months.
8 Messages
1 year ago
Read the more unhappy/negative reviews on Amazon just so you are aware of what is happening to folks like myself. My first CODA56's connection started acting up about six weeks after installation. It's not on the ISP side, others have said it is an ethernet connection issue on the LAN port of the modem. You have to reboot it or sometimes the Internet just flickers and comes back. Anyhow, I'm returning my original one to Amazon and trying again. I do love the enhanced 1200/200 speeds that I'm getting. However, not sure if this enhanced-speed modem is ready for primetime. Seems a basic issue to have for a basic network device. I've bought an Arris S33 as a backup.
15 Messages
1 year ago
i have the hitron coda56 and just installed it yesterday. direct connect to it from my desktop pc and using a 2.5gb port ethernet port on pc, i am getting close to my contractual speeds of 1200/200. i did see some negative comments like user_7f78ff shared above on the coda56. but i took a chance anyway. I may have to get a new router too that has a 2.5gb port in it because using my trusty orbi rbr50, i'm capped hardwired ethernet to download speeds like 920-960 mpbs. but my upload is much better now close or past 4x the previous speeds (40mpbs only).
Frequent Visitor
16 Messages
1 year ago
I just (15 minutes ago) provisioned a Hitron Coda (not Coda56) using the Xfinity app on my phone and it went smoothly, took about 10 minutes. My plan is 800/100 and I'm getting about 950 download but I'm still capped at 25 upload. Previously using an Arris docsis3.0 which is 686/100 capable but was capped at about 550/25. On the bright side, I've always gotten more download speed than I was paying for but now I've got to get on a chat or call to get my upload uncapped. That's the whole reason I upgraded from a 400/5 plan to 800/100 and bought the Coda, for cloud backups with a much faster upload speed. 25 is still a lot faster than 5, but I was already getting that with the Arris. Too early to say if the Coda is stable over the long term, but the first 15 minutes have been good :)
Update: I stand (sit) corrected. About 20 minutes after initial activation, my modem power cycled itself (at first making me get ready to return it) and when it came back on, upload speeds are as high as 85Mbps which I consider to be close enough to 100Mbps since this is the real world after all. So, thumbs up for the first half hour on the new modem.
Frequent Visitor
16 Messages
1 year ago
Has anyone been able to figure out how to log in to the Hitron admin interface? I haven't tried connecting directly with a hardcoded IP address of 192.168.0 or 1.whatever since with my old Arris ( I could log into that while connected to my router which uses a different (10.x.x.x) range without needing to set anything special on my network adapter. Unfortunately my router doesn't show anything about the cable modem IP address, it just shows the Xfinity addresses so I can't tell what the modem is using.
108.8K Messages
1 year ago
You may not be able to. They may have disabled access to the user interface in the firmware. Seen some posts here and at other help forums about this. There were no answers or solutions. YMMV. Good luck !
5 Messages
1 year ago
I can see mine the ip is the trick though is you must have an interface on that subnet or the modem will not respond.
108.8K Messages
1 year ago
Thanks for sharing that info. Happy New Year !
1 Message
1 year ago
Why don't they show the cost of these new devices ANYWHERE? SCAM
5 Messages
1 year ago
I finally got the new boot/bin file sent to my CODA56 and I have no issues it's working perfectly ...I get over 1500 down and 100 up. No dropouts or issues at all. Not sure what others are saying about this modem but mine works.
6 Messages
1 year ago
Similar frustration- I bought a Hitron coda 56 modem due to xfinity email recommending cable modem upgrade with promise of faster upload speeds with same plan. (I had a Motorola mb8611 modem docsis3.1). At best this xfinity email was inaccurate at worst a blatant lie. No change in upload speed! (I had 400 download/10 upload). Spent hours on xfinity chat and no one was aware of this email in India. One xfinity representative suggested it was fake and majority said I should rent equipment to get faster upload speeds; another said I needed a new plan. .Only in actually emailing Hitron customer support (yes, you can actually email them!), did I find out my Motorola mb8611 with docsis 3.1 is not inferior to xfinity recommended modems hence no change in upload speeds. So I returned the Hitron to Amazon, frustrated by the waste of time but at least not poorer.
286 Messages
1 year ago
I bought a Coda56 in November 2023 to replace my Arris S3 so I could get faster upload speeds. It worked fine, but the Cods56 reported more errors than my S33.
Since Jan 7, 2024 though Coda56 has basically crashed 3 times requiring a manual reset to get back online. From all outward appearances the modem looks locked as the lights are all solid, but there is no WAN traffic and the Xfinity app says it’s offline. This has been happening more frequently as the first time was Jan 7, the second time was Feb 2 and it crashed again on Feb 8. The last time I let it sit 10 minutes and it wouldn’t recover.
In addition it seems to have issues with power levels as I somewhat regularly see “RNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power in Excess of 6 dB Below the Value Corresponding to the Top of the DRW” and
“REG-RSP-MP Mismatch Between Calculated Value for P1.6hi Compared to CCAP Provided Value” in the logs.
I had a tech out and he said my signals were great, so the problem must be with the Coda56.
I ended up going back to the S33 as reliability is more important to me than upload speed. I will miss the 100 mbps up as the S33 only gets 20 up.
4 Messages
1 year ago
So I just bought the CODA56 and I have a wired router to connect to the modem. My current network uses 192.168.1.x for the IP addresses. Does this mean that I cannot use this IP range anymore, and will have to change my routers IP assignments to 192.168.100.x? This will require a lot of effort re-configuring up all my smart devices and wireless gateways!