

4 Messages

Wednesday, November 24th, 2021 6:17 PM


Extremely high data usage on home internet

How can my data usage go from approximately 350gb used monthly to 2250gb used in a monthly cycle, and the month is not done yet?

My area was hit by Hurricane IDA at the end of August. My internet and cable was out for about a month. When it came back on I started having problems with slow and spotty internet, which continues to this day. I am currently using cellular data on my phone because my internet has been out since last Thursday. It’s been a week. 

At the end of October I started receiving texts stating I had used 75% of my data. Within an hour I received messages stating I had used  90%, then 100%, then I was over my data usage for the month and collecting overage charges. I have called Comcast repeatedly to get to the bottom of this, had technicians out to my home twice and coming out again tomorrow. I’m even accumulating data usage with no internet connection. Please if anyone else is having a similar problem let me know. If I can’t solve this problem, I’ll have to say goodbye to Comcast. 

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Sudden huge increase in internet data usage



13 Messages

3 years ago

I've had this problem too, although not to your extent. There is definitely something wrong with their usage counter. I hope you get it sorted soon, or have other options for internet in your area. 



4 Messages

3 years ago

I got a text this morning that I was 100% over the archaic one terabyte limit imposed by this company. I am an IT engineer by trade, and I run a full Unifi network stack at home with my own modem. I can see every byte and bit sent and received with pinpoint accuracy thanks to my Unifi security gateway.

I have only used 356 GB from November 1st, to today, November 28th and I have the receipts to prove it. Not even half the months data cap of 1000 GB (1TB)

I have spent hours trying to reach someone at Xfinity/Comcast customer service who even understands how the cap works or what a Unifi Security Gateway is... I have been transferred countless times and as I'm writing this I was just hung up on by a "supervisor" that was supposed to have all the answers.

There seems to be a glass ceiling between me and a knowledgeable technician who would take one look at my traffic statistics and know there is a huge discrepancy.

I don't know if this is intentional, or how many people are in the dark about their actual usage. But it sure seems like I'm being taken for a fool. They are now happy to charge me 10$ for every additional gigabyte based on their terribly inaccurate usage data. If it feels, smells, and sounds like a scam...

How many others are being taken advantage of in this way? I will be cancelling services with this predatory provider.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Xfinity is at best inaccurate, at worst FLAT OUT lying about my data usage and exceeding the 1TB usage cap



25 Messages

@Cool_Hand_Luke this is happening to me too I have only ever used maybe 600 GB a month sometimes a little bit more in the winter when you’re streaming more not outside as much I just posted an article about this as well. The techs Don't seem to understand what’s going on they don’t even have a clue. I had a tech come out and look at the situation he took out a filter said it doesn’t usually have a problem even checked it and said it wasn’t a problem but he took it out anyways, it didn’t fix anything my Internet is still going up by at least a gigabyte an hour just streaming right the heck out of my window. Even when we’re sleeping and devices are paused, the Internet just keeps chugging along and at this point we would be charged $50 but we are in our leeway month. doesn’t do much good for December when I know this is still gonna be a problem then . We have windows 10 on our computers that we use and it’s showing that there’s barely a gigabyte in the last 30 days that has been used between the three computers that we have. Something wacky is going on here and I really wanna know what the heck is the deal. They better fix this immediately !


Gold Problem Solver


7.2K Messages

Hi Lucas, thank you for reaching out to us here with this concern. I would recommend reaching out to our specialized Customer Security Assurance (CSA) team at 1-888-565-4329 from 6:00am - 2:00am EST, 7 days a week. They will be able to provide more informaiton on your data usage, and if there are unwanted parties using the data or if you have any issues with the way your data is being calculated they can address it in real time. Feel free to reach back out to us here if you need anything else. 

I no longer work for Comcast.



2 Messages

@Cool_Hand_Luke We are having the same exact issue. We run the same exact network setup as you, a UDM pro and UniFi switch with our own Arris modem, to track our data usage. Really started paying attention when I noticed in Nov that we were almost at 1TB of usage by mid month. Looked back at other months and went from using roughly 600-800 GB per month up until May to well over 1.1TB from June forward (peaking at 2.3T in Aug!), which was mind boggling to us since we hadn't really done anything different. Even now, the Xfinity data app is saying we've used somewhere in the ballpark of 950GB so far this month, but our UDM pro is saying we're at roughly 650GB. I'd like to know where comcast is getting that extra 300GB from.... 

Were you able to work this out with Comcast? 


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