1 Message
Expired Comodo CA Certificate on Admin Console
I have a rented CGM4331COM gateway and there seems to be an issue with the admin console's certificate chain. Namely, the Comodo CA is expired, allowing the admin console to be accessible only via un-encrypted http, and not https.
This behavior is persistent even after a factory reset, and the gateway's firmware is up to date. Is this a baseline condition of this specific gateway?
Our financial account information was recentley exfiltrated by bad actors, and I'm wondering if this expired cert was part of the attack chain. Please advise.
Gold Problem Solver
26.1K Messages
1 month ago
"https" is not needed. Please see https://forums.xfinity.com/conversations/your-home-network/10001-not-secure/673557ddf5a02920e72adc95?commentId=67356db90dda2449950869df.
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Official Employee
662 Messages
1 month ago
Good evening @jamesrexv. Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.
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