Saturday, February 24th, 2024 12:15 AM


Disable sip alg

How can I disable SIP ALG on my rented modem router from Xfinity? I've called tech support and was told to trade in my modem for a newer version. There are no settings in the website or the Xfinity app. My modem is not that old, maybe 2-3 years at best. Can anyone help?



108.3K Messages

1 year ago

AFAIK, it can't be disabled.

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

11 months ago

Hi @user_f9fdwg Thank you for reaching out on the Xfinity Community Forums.  Our expert @EG is correct and it cannot be disabled. If you need anything further please do not hesitate to reach out. We are here to help.



168 Messages

11 months ago

@user_f9fdwg - oneway to deal with the SIP ALG option is to configure Xfinity provided Gateway into the Bridge Mode,

and get your own Router that has SIP ALG as an available and configurable feature. (KB from Netgear)



4 Messages

10 months ago

There are at least 3 ways to fix this.  Finding any xfinity tech that knows this in tier1 support may be impossible as far as I can tell.

Their tier 1 will tell you that they're "Advanced Technical Support".  They are NOT.  Them saying this is rediculous and its insulting to hear it. ugh

example on the XB8-T modem/router combo

  1. You could set their modem/router to bridge mode and use your own router.  Then set your router to disable SIP/ALG.
  2. You could access their modem/router menu > firewall settings > set security to LOW  (SIP ALG is a hidden feature that gets turned on automatically under other levels of security)
  3. You could also access advanced security and flag your phone/device as an IP phone.




3 Messages

Can you show menu selections in the XB8 modem page for option 3)?  I don't see an advanced security page for Firewall security other than IPV6 and IPV4 which either selects the security level or custom level Firewall>ipv4>security level> high, medium,low custom.

There is an Advance menu that shows port forwarding,port triggering, DMZ , and Device Discovery

I have connected my ATA and it is shown as a connected device same as  all other devices.



4 Messages

I cant confirm the 3rd option myself since this wasnt my chosen method.

I have tested the other to methods and confirmed it works.

However, if you go to the xfinity app > choose wifi > devices > find your phone device > choose device details > Device Type (Set this to Phone).

Official Employee


1.2K Messages


user_31751f We appreciate you sharing that information as that will help the community out. 


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