7 Messages
Disable IPv6!!!
IPv6 breaks things! We don't need it and don't want it, but Comcast denies customers the ability to disable it. NO HOME USERS NEED IPv6, and few if any business customers actually need it. Certainly not on the LAN interface.
Comcast gateway/modem/routers provide NAT between IP versions 4-4, 6-6, and 4-6, so IPv6 on the LAN is absolutely unnecessary. It just creates problems. If you don't already know this you're not paying attention.
Your arrogance costs your customers innumerable hours of frustration and downtime. STOP IT!
I am an IT network consultant of over 40 years, I've published books on networking and internetworking and many articles in many publications over decades, as well as conduct thousands of networking seminars internationally.
7 Messages
4 months ago
I just want to connect to the Xfinity modem/router and configure port forwarding manually. I don't want to use your phone app, and I don't want your overly clever router only offering a list of computers & devices it can currently see by arcane names or MAC addresses! It's stupid. Stop it!
I want to enable port forwarding from the WAN interface, define the destination IP address on the LAN, protocol(s), and port number(s). If I have to define the ports by first creating a "service" so be it, but give us the option!
I am an IT network consultant of over 40 years, I've published books on networking and internetworking and many articles in many publications over decades, as well as conduct thousands of networking seminars internationally.
Gold Problem Solver
7.9K Messages
4 months ago
I have had IPv6 for years on my home network, with no problems.
You can always buy your own modem and router and set things up any way you want.
Gold Problem Solver
7.9K Messages
4 months ago
As I said, if the Comcast equipment is too limiting, buy your own. At the minimum, buy a good router, put the gateway in bridge mode, and set up your network as complicated as you want
Most people have no idea of how a network works, and the gateways are designed to be basic and simple.