4 Messages
Configuring DMZ has no effect
I regularly put one computer in the DMZ in order to test whether a firewall program has the ability to stealth all ports (no use running that test behind NAT!). I haven't done it since my last router upgrade, the one for 1.2GB. Using the Xfi app, I can put the PC's IP address in the DMZ. But even after I reboot it (and IPCONFIG /RENEW just for good luck) the ports all still show up as stealthed (using Shields Up). I captured the output of IPCONFIG /ALL with and without DMZ and did a File Compare. Only differences are in the Temporary IPv6 Address and various "Lease Obtained" date/time stamps. As far as I can tell, putting the device in DMZ has no effect. OH one more thing--I disabled Advanced Security on the router because it interferes with other tests. QUESTION: HOW to get the test computer into a state where its ports are *not* stealthed by the router?
4 Messages
3 years ago
Followup: I tried disabling DMZ and using port forwarding. I figured maybe I could forward a collection of ports and see if *they* would come through as not stealthed. However, in every case when I tried to set up a port forward, I got "We're having some trouble". This happened with individual ports, port ranges, and presets (e.g. XBox One).
4 Messages
3 years ago
Followup: I logged into the Gateway directly and found "IPv4 Firewall" and "IPv6 Firewall". I set each to Custom, checked Disable entire firewall, and saved settings. I went back to my Xfi app (can't use the gateway for DMZ) and put the test PC in DMZ again. Rebooted. No change in results--ports are still stealthed. Any ideas? Anybody? Bueller?