

2 Messages

Wednesday, March 31st, 2021 10:23 PM


Can’t connect to xfi pod, keeps saying “Incorrect Password”

I just got my xfi pod and when I connected it to my gateway and try to use my WiFi next to it, it knocks me off the network and says my password is incorrect or authentication failed. When I’m near the gateway or if I unplug the xfi pod, I can reconnect.

I've already reset and unplugged both gateway and xfi pod. And hard reset then gateway and removed and re-added the xfi pod.

Has anyone else experienced this or have a solution?

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Correct WiFi password not being recognized?



317 Messages

3 years ago

Oh, no! I'm sorry to hear about the xFi Pods not connecting or staying connected for a longer period of time. When you do try to reconnect without resetting, do you get any error messages?



3 Messages

3 years ago

You're reply doesn't address the problem. I'm having the same issue. All of a sudden when a device tries to connect to my network through an xfi pod I get a message that says the network password is incorrect and the devise cannot connect. If the same device connects through the gateway it connects just fine. This started last week with my Gen 1 pods which had been working fine for over a year. Today I upgraded my modem and purchased a new Gen 2 pod. The Gen 2 Pod is doing the same thing - anytime a devise tries to connect through the pod it can't and I get the message network password incorrect. I should point out that before I installed the new Gen 2 pod, I removed all the Gen 1 pods from the network via the xfi app. This issue is very frustrating!

Regular Visitor


10 Messages

Any update on this. I'm having the save issue today after the router rebooted and the pods came back up.  



2 Messages

Same issue here, no problem connecting to the main gateway, but when I’m in a room with an XFi pod, I get the ‘incorrect password’ error. Password is correct, resetting gateway, pods, etc doesn’t help, changing password doesn’t help (other than wasting time having to update every device in the house with the new PW. 



5 Messages

I am also getting the same issue today, first time in over a year this has happened, very frustrating as I cannot work in my office



2 Messages

I had the same issue and contacted customer service this morning.  The rep I talked to said I was the fourth caller today.  Sounds like a software / firmware update issue.



6 Messages

3 years ago

Same problem here. Did the usual reset/unplug. Still not accepting the password. 



2 Messages

3 years ago

I'm having the same issue as of this morning 



2 Messages

3 years ago

Looks like many people, including myself, are having this problem as of this morning.  Was there a firmware update pushed to the xFi pods that would cause this bug?

New Poster


7 Messages

3 years ago

Count me in with the same problem starting this morning.

Regular Visitor


9 Messages

3 years ago

Adding my voice to the chorus. Xfinity Pods are saying incorrect password.



2 Messages

3 years ago

I am having this issue too. 



4 Messages

3 years ago

I am also having this issue. Incredibly frustrating. 



2 Messages

3 years ago

I'm having the same issue. Missed a meeting this morning because of it. Had to unplug the pods because they were interferring with my connection to the router. "Wrong wifi password" error on all my devices. No issue with my router.



4 Messages


I have been troubleshooting this on my own for hours. I have reset the modem and unplugged all the pods multiple times and nothing seems to help. I put in a request for Xfinity to call me and they have not yet. I cannot work without the Internet and this is incredibly frustrating



6 Messages

3 years ago

Called Comcast, said they are aware of the problem and working on it.



2 Messages

3 years ago

Same problem for me. Obviously this is a widespread issue.



2 Messages

3 years ago

Same problem with me. I did my own troubleshooting and narrowed it down to the xFi pods. 



3 Messages

3 years ago

Same here. None of my devices upstairs connecting to the xfi pod. 



6 Messages

3 years ago

Everything just came back on line

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