Thursday, July 25th, 2024 2:23 PM

Cannot work from home, Xfinity Broadband unreliable [Please view description as there is a lot of information]

I do IT for a living and require my services to constantly be active, for the past month Xfinity has been absolute garbage. If you guys did not gridlock everything in the tristate area I would probably get fiber and drop this mess. On to the issue though, when using the xfinity network, I have attempted to ping Google's DNS [] with a "request timed out" over and over:

C:\Users\godli>ping -n 10

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 10, Received = 0, Lost = 10 (100% loss)

I have even turned off all of my antivirus, turned off all firewalls and attempted to ping also with no success, I just swapped out the modem as recommended by Xfinity [which I already knew was NOT the issue but for some reason support makes you jump through hoops and waste unnecessary time to get to the actual issue]. I had a tech come to my house on 7/24/2024, did an amazing job switching out the coaxial that runs from the modem to the outside box on the side of my house, removed all splitters from previous setups [I do not have cable]. He noticed that the person that lives above me had water in their line to the box outside. I tried to speak with support letting them know the process of elimination would be the best thing here [I am able to connect to the modem all the way in the basement but cannot connect to my own network/modem 5 feet from me and hardwired????] I can connect to websites and everything works just fine, only when taking calls or doing something that requires a constant flow of packets is when my network is shot. My kid gaming? FORGET ABOUT IT, SHOT!

I'm stuck attempting to use a VPN because somewhere in Comcast's [Edited: Language] network [gotta be the tap or the node] everything drops for some reason. I am able to ping connecting a server in New York with 15-25 ms latency w/vpn it makes absolutely no sense.

This has literally almost cost me my job and If I lose my job because I pay a bill every month and I'm not getting the services provided, I have no problem holding Comcast accountable, I have nothing but time on my hands at this point.

Official Employee


2K Messages

2 months ago



Hi there! Our awesome digital care team would be happy to assist you with your internet concerns. Can you initiate a direct message and start with your full name and address? To start a direct message, you must be signed in. Please click the "Direct Messaging" icon in the top right of the page next to the bell, and send your message to "Xfinity Support". Talk to you there!




106K Messages

2 months ago

@BlessedAndTechnical @XfinityAirelle 

Please circle back here and post any possible solutions for the issue here in these open public forums so that all readers here may benefit from the exchange / info. This is in keeping with the spirit for which these public help forums were originally intended. Thank you.

2 months ago

To anyone here that has the same issue, [Edited: "Solicitation"], they clearly care more about revenue more than the customer. [Edited: "Solicitation"]. My issue seems to be resolved all of a sudden after 1 day of the FCC getting back to me. Still will have a tech take a look.

take it easy!


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