23 Messages
Account says 1200/200 getting 100 upload
So a few months ago I had a Motorola MB8611, it died in a storm. Previously I was getting about 35mbps upload. I read that I could get the new speeds if I rented equipment from Xfinity. Long story short after renting a modem for $15/month I could never get more than 100'ish mbps. Tech even came out and confirmed the wiring was fine and he could get 200mbps on his equipment.
Fast forward to today I was revisiting this issue with the tech support on Reddit. They confirmed that in order to get 200 I would need xFI complete for an aditional $5/month.
They also said that if I go back to a customer owned modem (Arris S33) I would get 100 mbps.
The S33 is on sale for $160 at MicroCenter so the ROI would be about 10 months. I just don't want to find out I'm back to 35mbps.
I'm located in Baltimore, MD.
Official Employee
331 Messages
1 year ago
@Flyinace2000 Sorry to hear that the modem died, that's never fun. The good news is that Xfi is no longer required for next-gen speeds (the 200Mbps upload). We do however require leased equipment for those speeds with the sole exception of the Hitron CODA DOCSIS 3.1, no other customer-owned modem would qualify for next-generation speeds. That being said based on your market it looks like you should be able to get the 100Mbps upload speed if your specific local area is upgraded.
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