2 Messages
Unable to stream - TVAPP-00281
I keep getting the same error across multiple devices and cannot stream on the app or a browser. I have cleared cache (on multiple devices), logged in/out, powered down router, etc. and nothing resolves the issue. Reached out to Xfinity support - they gave me all the same steps I did and still nothing works. I'm having the same issue across multiple and different types of devices. Unable to stream recordings or live TV. VERY frustrated. Seems to have all started when Xfinity was "updating" things in the area (got service notification). Since then, internet works, TV works but not able to stream on devices. Xfinity is WAY to expensive to not have service for 24+hrs...and of course credits won't be issued. Is anyone else having an issue streaming Xfinity channels / recordings?
Official Employee
1.9K Messages
11 days ago