nameistaken2's profile

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13 Messages

Thursday, September 9th, 2021 10:11 PM


"Sorry We've Run Into Problem"

So, the XFinity streaming website was working for me, literally last night (evening of September 8, 2021). It was flaky (invariably required me to login twice, etc, but it functioned).

This morning, it was not working. I can log in to the general XFinity website, look at my bill, and etc, but when I try to access streaming services, I receive the "Sorry..." error message, or the "Clear Your Cache" message, both serially (to the effect that I can no longer access online streaming via the website). I follow all on-screen instructions, no effect. The error messages, and indeed the whole recovery process XFinity seems to believe they have implemented are COMPLETELY USELESS.

I am using XFinity's own internet service (direct wired straight into the router from my desktop... i.e. no conceivable connectivity issues caused by anything I am doing). I have disabled my VPN. I have disabled my proxy. I have disabled all tracking cookie blocking features. I have cleared my cache more times than I can count.

I have tried all the following browsers:

Chrome 93.0.4577.63

Edge 93.0.961.38

Firefox 92.0

(All are the most recent 64-bit builds).

Specific error code: TVAPP-00170. Searching the web for this error message turns up testimonials that indicated this is "Logged in too many times"... why can't XFinity just state this to the user (along with a count of streaming devices that are logged in, much less with a set of troubleshooting steps)?

I have logged out on all streaming devices (my Android tablet, and all desktop browsers I have ever used to access XFinity). In the process of doing this, I have found devices apparently still logged in that I absolutely did explicitly log out of, and have not used for months (my phone, for instance). I have also had my desktop streaming interrupted with a "too many devices" error on occasion in the past, when I have not initiated any other login action (almost as if someone else was using my XFinity service for streaming, behind my back... and which has REPEATEDLY prompted me to check all my devices to make sure they are logged out). Other posts in various of these forums say logging out of other devices will have no effect, I have to call XFinity customer service and get them to clear all these logins. Users report that when they have called to get XFinity to log them out, XFinity has discovered indications of hundreds of active logins for that user. Found one forum post that indicated a Comcast/XFinity technician had actually come to the customer site TWICE, without resolution. Many testimonials that opening a ticket and even escalating to higher-tier service is ignored, and this problem persists for weeks without any action/resulution.

As well, unsuccessful login attempts at are intermittently being redirected to a blank page at Is this a Firefox artifact of some sort?

This is all VERY cryptic. If XFinity is going to micromanage streaming device logins like this, they really need to clean up dangling logins (expire them when idle, ask the customer if they want to terminate them when logging into a new device, etc... all very obvious expedients), explicitly acknowledge logouts to the user (with a current login count, so the user knows if they have a problem), etc, and in general make their web-based services work (maybe even do some testing, etc). Looks like a major mess, and is generally headed in the WRONG direction.

I am assuming XFinity customer service will be as apathetic towards me as they have been to countless other customers. Please advise. Has anyone who has encountered these problems actually found a workaround that doesn't require mudwrestling with XFinity customer service?

Assuming I can get this resolved, I am going to dedicate a browser (FireFox, probably) to XFinity streaming on my desktop, and I will never enable the "Stay signed in" feature. Maybe that will at least delay a recurrence of the issue.

Frequent Visitor


13 Messages

3 years ago

I have installed Firefox, and isolated all streaming use in that. I can clear browser data unnecessarily all day long (to no beneficial effect, because a broken website vacuously/ineffectually tells me to) without disrupting other internet activity. Made sure my preferred browsers had no lingering XFinity-related tabs active. Had some luck avoiding TVAPP-00170 errors with this configuration... was actually able to watch one (1) show this way.

Then I started experiencing TVAPP-00114 errors. I can find no explanation of this error code anywhere on the web (including at the XFinity pages that invite the user to search for error code help).

Tried some of the same basic troubleshooting I did before: disabled VPN and proxy, cleared cache, etc. But the only effect was immediate resumption of TVAPP-00170 errors (and then some more TVAPP-00114 errors happened, even without VPN), plus some more weird forwarding to (again, I conjecture this is some sort of Firefox artifact, it doesn't seem to happen when using Chrome/Edge).

Testimonials in forums suggest (without describing any cause/effect) this is again a condition that can only be cleared by XFinity customer service. Other testimonials suggest that restarting my "cable modem" would rectify the problem (did NOT affect my problem). Someone else suggested this is how XFinity makes sure you can't use your streaming service except on your home network (though again, TVAPP-00114 still occurred even with VPN disabled).

These problems are, for all practical purposes, rendering XFinity useless. Unbelievable hassle. I feel like Mr. Furious from Mystery Men... "Rage... Taking over! No, no, no... Rage REALLY taking over!" I have been a loyal customer for years, and would like to remain so for years to come... but this is completely untenable.

Trying twitter to @XfinitySupport, seem to have made contact. Will update if/when there is a resolution.

Frequent Visitor


13 Messages

3 years ago

OK, this is profoundly disturbing. This goes WAY beyond "bad customer service"... this is "dealing with XFinity customer service is like talking to a dog", complete insanity.

I tweeted to @XfinitySupport and @ComcastCares. @ComcastCares doesn't seem to exist any more. But I received a fairly prompt real-time response from someone identifying themselves as "Raphael". An extended Twitter DM exchange ensued. I indicated up front that I was on Windows 10, was using Chrome/Edge/Firefox, and I cited the error messages I was encountering (TVAPP-00170, TVAPP-00114).

"Raphael" inquired: "May I ask what app you are trying to use to stream with, please?" (I stipulated this up front, but oh well. Also, I don't really refer to Windows/MacOS "applications" as "Apps", but this is the 21st century, so OK.)

I responded "I use the XFinity Android App, but that is incidental to this. I am on a Windows 10 desktop, and have tried to use all of Chrome (latest), Edge (latest), and Firefox (latest)... all are experiencing the same problems. Logging into and, conventionally using the browsers".

Examples of subsequent comments by "Raphael" (as I attempted to clarify, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN, that I was NOT having problems with the XFinity Android app, I was having problems with browser access on Windows 10)... all are direct quotes, cut/pasted with typos/etc intact:


"Thank you Michael, our Xfinity Android Stream APP is designed to be used with the Android operating system and is not designed to be used with the Windows Operating system."

"Thank you for understanding, you might want to reach out to Microsoft for Windows related issues."

"I am very sorry but if you are using an Android APP on a non-supported operating system there is nothing we can do. May I ask if you are having issues with our Streaming APP on Android or IOS devices, please?"

"To clarify you are not using the Xfinity Stream APP to stream on your Windows device?"

"Thank you. To stream Xfiniyt you would use the Xfinity Stream APP for IOS or Android. If you are not using the Xfinity Stream APP then you would reach out to the streaming service you use for support." (The streaming service I use is Xfinity... I was reaching out to Xfinity for support. Unfortunately, Xfinity customer support employs some species of domestic canine that can somehow emulate human speech, but clearly without any comprehension.)

"I understand your concern but our Xfinity Streaming service works with our Xfinity Stream APP for IOS or Android. I know I used to be able to stream from my Account site on my Windows devices,but now that requires use of our Stream APP"

"We do value your business but in order to Stream Xfinity you must use our Xfinity Stream APP for Android or IOS. Streaming on Windows devices without our Stream APP is something we don't support. I would love to have our APPS have Windows versions but we do not have that at this time."


WHEW! This experience with "Raphael" is one of the most bizarre things that has ever happened to me, of any kind, in MY ENTIRE LIFE. This level of dysfunction is truly EPIC. Not only unaware of the XFinity's services, but demonstrably incapable of even the most rudimentary comprehension (yes, like "talking to a dog"). I am going to cut/paste the whole Twitter DM exchange somewhere, and keep it as a memento. I may even print it and frame it.

So, there we have it, straight from the horse's mouth, Xfinity's own support: despite all their assertions to the contrary, all the web-based infrastructure they have implemented to enable this (the entire so-called "Stream Portal" infrastructure, or what they may now be branding "Xfinity Stream", at their website to allow access to live broadcast, saved recordings, etc), and the fact that this was all working perfectly for me mere days ago, public-facing Xfinity employees are of the belief that streaming is NOT SUPPORTED on Windows (nor, I assume, MacOS) desktop devices, and Xfinity has REFUSED SUPPORT to a paying customer on this basis. You can only stream to Android/iOS. Xfinity's own hype... "Watch anywhere, on any device, any time you like", not to mention their ENTIRE "Stream Portal" infrastructure, this very support forum I am posting in now (dedicated to the "Stream Website"... what is that, anyway? Its not supposed to exist, right?), all the users like myself who have been using these capabilities (and indeed, I have come to rely on them)... the whole thing... its all just deceptive advertising, FRAUD IN THE INDUCEMENT... NOT INTENDED FOR ACTUAL USE.

At this point I can only conclude I am using the WRONG "cable" service provider. Xfinity is demonstrably not prepared to resolve issues with their own service, so that their paying customers can employ it as (so I once believed) intended. DirectTV, CenturyLink, absolutely ANYONE ELSE... here I come.




8 Messages

I'm getting what others are complaining abou  ever since I bought a Windows 11 computer. Error code TVAPP-00114. I am seriously considering changing to a lesser service just because I can no longer stream. I have called Tech and they have not been able to help me. This only shows up on my Windows 11 machine when trying to run the Xfinity Stream app. It still works properly on my Android tablet and telephone. Seems like an easy fix, Xfinity. I don't understand what's taking so long and I would appreciate being told if there is a fix.??

Frequent Visitor


13 Messages

3 years ago


Beyond this, now my Android XFinity App will not allow access any more either. I try to log in via the App on my Android tablet (which was also working mere hours ago), and encounter the error "We are having trouble adding this device to your account. Please give us a call at 1-800-XFINITY and mention error 3329.11700".

As well, interestingly, I logged into my account profile at "", browsed to the area on the website to look at my "devices", As a consequence, that part of the XFinity website is hung, the "throbber of death". My thought was: maybe I could manually clean out obsolete device logins, but that may not be possible. Hypothesis: I have hundreds of devices configured and logged in, which XFinity never timed out, and XFinity's own website is choking trying to query them out, format them, and present them to me.

Usually XFinity times sessions out, but I have checked "Stay signed in". I will let it crunch for a while, see if it leaves me logged in and can complete the "devices" query, and at least see what it looks like. I can also try calling the 800-number, and see if that person is any more/less cluefull than "Raphael".

Official Employee


968 Messages

@nameistaken2 thank you so much for your patience. The information provided was incorrect. We absolutely support streaming via browser. I use it all the time to stream on my Laptop while on the go. We are going to get this fixed for you. I have already read over the entire conversation you had with us on Twitter and am here to turn this around. Please, use the messaging icon in the upper-right to go into your Direct Messaging. From there, compose a new message to "Xfinity Support" and we will make sure this gets handled. Thank you!

(Edited: Additional Info)


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13 Messages

So, a final post (hopefully), to document the results of my efforts to deal with these problems.

I called 1-800-XFINITY.

The Xfinity voice menu system puts a very heavy premium into trying to divert the customer into the Xfinity "Assistant", their automated help system. But I had already wasted a fair bit of time with that system on my own initiative. For instance, when you query it with the error messages Xfinitiy's own applications are throwing at you (TVAPP-00170, as an example), it has no clue. Absolutely NOTHING relevant ensues, not even the briefest description of the error, much less anything that can aid understanding of the problem, even less any sort of troubleshooting workflow. I have ZERO confidence in Xfinity's automated support options. These forums are a better option, but also relatively limited (they can't actually intervene to address the problem... though they can confirm the problem exists, which is helpful at least as a sanity check and more than automated support can provide). This bias towards a manifestly ineffective support options, built into the voice menu, adds significant time (and frustration) for the user who really does need access to an actual human, who at least MIGHT have a clue. Cost containment first, quality of service last... all too common an attitude in corporate America these days.

But after that, the experience improved substantially. A first tier support person took my call almost immediately (after having to spend a seemingly interminable period repeatedly insisting to the voice menu that I did not want anything to do with the "Assistant"... No No No No No, I lost count). There was no wait time (indeed startlingly fast, at least on this occasion). They had limited capacity to affect my problem, BUT... They actually knew that Xfinity offers web-enabled streaming generically on the internet (a good thing :-). They collected a coherent problem description, ran me through the necessary/"obvious" first-tier attempts at amelioration (reproduce the problem, log out, clear your cache, try this browser, try that browser, un/re-install the Android app, etc), then filed a ticket. All as expected. Very pleasant experience, zero complaints.

Within about 45 minutes, I received a text from higher-tier support, indicating that they believed they had fixed the problem. I needed to reproduce, and reply with "Y" or "N" to indicate if the problem was resolved. I reproduced, it was not resolved, there was no observable change in behavior. I replied "N".

Within 30 seconds of that, I received a call from a tier-3 support person. Again, this person was aware that Xfinity offered web-enabled streaming (so useful, that seemingly trivial concession). Again, a very polite, pleasant exchange. We went through a problem description, and then he engaged in an escalating set of interventions (after each of which I would reproduce and report), which eventually worked. Both my Windows 10 browser and my Android app were able to connect. (I will actually make use of these services tonight... we shall see.)

Several important conclusions from this: these issues are real, Xfinity is generally aware of them, they seem to be due to intrinsic defects in Xfinity's service at the moment, and higher-tier support has a set of tools/techniques that can address them. Hopefully Xfinity will be able to make some progress on eliminating these issues.

In the course of this, I asked a number of questions.

Apparently TVAPP-00170 has to do with "maximum number of logins exceeded", which indicates either that you already have the maximum number of devices (2) logged in, or you have made too many unsuccessful login attempts recently (i.e. there is a user account security aspect to this), or both. The support person was equivocal in response to by questions (not quite evasive), but I derived the distinct impression that Xfinity's streaming infrastructure is having trouble dropping obsolete logins (no timeout, and even when the user logs out explicity Xfinity can sometimes miss that, and retains the login). The user closes their browser, Xfinity retains the login as still active, and when the user comes back (using the same desktop or Android device, using the same application used to access Xfinity), they are prompted to login again... the device may not be recognized as the same device, the old login (now orphaned) remain, and another login piles up. Very easy to reach the maximum number allowed (2). Tier 3 support is dealing with a certain unspecified volume of calls on this issue. Xfinity is evaluating some means of enabling the user to examine their active logged-in devices, and terminate the logins explicitly, in a self-serve fashion. Not exactly a fix, but probably a viable workaround, and under user control (at which point the issue shifts away from support intervention and towards documentation and community "education").

There was a definite recommendation to stick to the same browser (or "app") on each device, consistently. I am happy to comply; hopefully it will help.

Dunno if any of this (or anything else) will ever be done, or how long the problem will persist. I also don't have a lot of confidence that my particular exposure to this problem is over. This seems like a very fragile/glitchy aspect of Xfinity's service, certainly right now and perhaps for some time to come. Honestly, I fully expect to have to contend with this again.

Fixing this problem also seemed to rectify my weird Firefox forwarding to The login rejection is some sort of trigger, though this behavior is very cryptic.

TVAPP-00114 apparently has to do with detectably corrupt data in the browser cache (I assume inconsistent state induced by a failed login), and is supposedly easily cleared by deleting the cache (power-cycling your cable modem seems irrelevant to this). While these problems were very active/chronic (yesterday, actually... feels like I have been wrestling with this for years), this was actually not my experience (clearing the browser cache had no apparent effect, and the -00114 and -00170 problems seemed to interact, travelling together and even feeding off each other)... but this is why I am isolating all my streaming access (via Xfinity and everything else related to streaming) in a seldom-used browser (Firefox): I can clear the cache arbitrarily, without affecting any of my normal IT activity (for which I mostly use Chrome). I can also configure this dedicated streaming "platform" to bypass my VPN, disable features to avoid cookie/tracker-blocking, etc, which will aid in performance, hopefully aid in reliability (i.e. better chance of avoiding Xfinity "login psychosis"), and given the restricted set of "trustable" target domains I will be accessing, should not result in a significant risk of malware infiltration and etc. i.e. Make the interaction with the various provider servers as "vanilla" as possible. However, having said this, I have not had enough experience, post Xfinity's intervention on my behalf, to know if any of this will help, or if this issue really is resolved.

The tier 3 support person expressed a strong preference for using Chrome for Xfinity streaming. I pressed him on this... "do you test less thoroughly on Firefox and Edge?", questions like that. He insisted not, but again was somewhat equivocal. English was not his first language, so there may simply have been a communication gap. It is possible he wanted to say that Chrome had better features related to multi-media... more performant, more reliable, etc (this seems to be the general consensus on the web, as well). Whatever the reason, there was a clear preference. He did state that all the browsers Xfinity supports are viable, I could use whatever I wanted. Chrome was just "better" (with no specifics). In my case, I will have to accept the risk (if any) of not using Chrome. I rely on it for too many other things to expose it to Xfinity-induced instability.

Other recommendations (beyond sticking strictly to the same app on each device): 1) don't necessarily log out, leave the login active on Xfinity, that may be more reliable, less conducive to "psychosis", and 2) don't necessarily close the browser tab you use to interact with Xfinity "Stream", leave it up, let the browser bring it back when you restart the browser. I will practice all this "hygiene" religiously, we will see if it helps.

So, I am still inclined to begin a transition to another service provider (that experience with @XfinitySupport was profoundly alienating). If these problems are indeed "fixed", do not recur, the urgency I feel at the moment to proceed with this may abate. Even if the problems recur, but my future interaction with 1-800-XFINITY is as pleasant and materially helpful as this recent experience, that will also help ease the "tension". But all of this is stuff outside my control, it will be up to Xfinity to demonstrate they are capable of supporting their own service (and I feel that I have experienced mixed results so far).

In general, my advice: problems like this are going to need higher tier support intervention to resolve. The sooner you gain access to those higher-tier resources, the sooner the issue will be addressed. A certain amount of basic troubleshooting is necessary, so be patient... but beyond that, you should reasonably expect rapid escalation (hopefully all the testimonials in these forums about being persistently ignored by higher-tier support are a thing of the past). As well, IMO, avoid @XfinitySupport, it is worse than useless ("fool me twice, shame on me"). Proceed directly to 1-800-XFINITY, and hopefully you will be fortunate (as I was) in reaching courteous and capable people.

This whole thread: FYI.

(All of this ranting has been therapeutic for me, albeit somewhat brain-dumpish... I have that tendency, unfortunately, but hopefully it will be useful to others, spare folks some time/effort/frustration.)


New Poster


6 Messages

3 years ago

I've experienced similar responses from Xfinity with zero results.    I've connected 4 times with reps using chat.   I've tried 3 browsers, cleaned cache, removed cookies, restarted my modem/router from Xfinity, restarted my personal computer (PC) where I've used streaming for the last four years.     I don't use Xfinity streaming on my smart phone or TV; I only use the PC for streaming as I have a large variety of movies to select while I sit in my computer room/office in the evening.  

What really angered me was that the 3rd rep said to give them one hour to fix it.  I did give them the time.   I tried again per the text message.   No results.  I replied "N" .  The text message response gave me a number to call.   I did.  The phone voice message told me the office was closed.   If it was closed, why was I given the number?   

I contacted Xfinity a fourth time and started chatting with the rep.   I was going through the same stuff, so I ended the chat out of disgust.  

Who do they hire for customer support?  Did they forget to train the reps and just show them a desk and instructed them to chat with customers?  Paraphrasing:  Oh, we want to do better for a better customer experience....glad to help, etc. and other assorted drivel.   My patience is used up.  

I've been a customer of Xfinity TV for 21 years.   I had a bad experience with support in 2012 and almost left them.  Finally, I found someone who could make it work then.    I've had Xfinity internet, phone, and TV service since 2017.  All good till now.   One "oh, no" erases ten good experiences. 

If Xfinity reads this, maybe they can provide better instructions to their customer reps and provide instructions to users to log out multiple logins that seem to be the source of the TVAPP 00170 error.  

Well, let's see what Xfinity's next move will be. 


Official Employee


1.7K Messages

Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us on our community forum about the issues you're having with the stream site, @lechols! I love being able to stream my content when I'm not near my TV so I'd be upset if it wasn't working and we'll stick with you here until we get to the bottom of this together. It sounds like you've been on working on this for a while and we may need to create a ticket.

Please send a direct message by clicking the chat icon in the upper right corner of the page, click on the pen and paper icon, then enter “Xfinity Support” in the “To” section. Please include your name and address and I'll be happy to help :). 

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New Poster


2 Messages

i have not been able to stream from my PC for about a month now.  I have done everything I can possibly find on the internet to fix this issue.  From the number of people complaining about this new problem my guess is the problem is Xfinity.  I pay Comcast $300 a month for their services,  I have not been able to access my streaming for a month, and it appears you do not have a solution.  When you find a solution, let me know, in the meantime I'd like a discount for services NOT provided that I am paying for.  Your Help line is worthless, I have spent hours on chat with 'experts' only to be left hanging.  The last one, told me to go reset my router, and make use it's up and running, when I came back - she was gone!!!

I'm tired of trying to clean the cache, change browsers, reboot, etc.  I don't have time to piss around doing all that when the problem obviously seems to be on your end!!!

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

Hi, @sebringdlc! Thanks for spending your time today to knock on our virtual door for help with the streaming concern and for your patience while waiting for a response. I am sorry to learn that we have made you feel this way and that we have not been able to assist with a solution in a timely manner. This is definitely not the experience that we like to hear about. As someone who has a strict budget, I know how important it is to pay for service and to receive reliable service in return. Your time is valuable and we appreciate your time. I will do everything I can to better your experience and make this right. You have reached the perfect team of expert specialists to assist over social media. To further assist, please send us a private message with your first/last name and full address.


You can start by clicking the chat icon located in the top right corner of your forums page when signed in. Once there, you can search for "Xfinity Support" to compose your direct message. Once I receive this information, I will further troubleshoot and explore all of the best options available today to see if I can save you money on your service needs.

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
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6 Messages

I also have not been able to stream on any device for over a week. I am wasting money everyday. I have spent hours working with assistants with no success. If this does not get fixed do. I am canceling my service.



6 Messages

3 years ago

I have not been able to stream for over a week on any laptop. I have spent hours speaking to assistants with no success. Iv wasting money everyday. If this does not get fixed soon or I do not get the service I deserve I am canceling my account. I have been told I would be called and have no follow up. 



660 Messages



We'd love the chance to help out. We haven't had any widespread reported issues with the Xfinity Stream app or web portal at this time. Can you give us more details as to what is happening? Have you tried other browsers, cleared cache and cookies, confirmed you are streaming on a compatible browser?


If you have a smartphone or tablet, can you try streaming on the Xfintiy Stream app? Is it certain channels, any error codes, etc. 


Xfinity Stream Portal Minimum System Requirements

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Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
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6 Messages

3 years ago

I have tried all of those suggestions multiple times with multiple assistants. It appears others are experiencing sinuses issues also. I have been told it would be fixed in a hour, by the morning, that the issue has been escalated. Ivy ace not had any real personal service and I am wasting money everyday on services I have been paying. Between me and my wife we have been customers for over 20 years. I see no effort on Comcast to fix this. I will cancel my account by the end of the money. I was also tricked into signing a new agreement I will pays your fees if necessary. It's been very frustrating the lack of service I am getting. 



6 Messages

3 years ago

You could call and seriously try and keep my business. This is an issue  on your end. Every device I own cannot stream with the exception of the tv connected to a box and wire. This has been going on for a week and I am still paying Comcast for not the service I thought I signed up for.

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

I can understand where you are coming from and you in in good hands here to get to the bottom of it. We can put in a ticket to help our Stream app team and it will attach to any known issue. Are you getting TVAPP-00148 error or similar?

I no longer work for Comcast.

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6 Messages

I am getting TVAPP-00114. Can't log in on any device apple or pc.



6 Messages

3 years ago

I am getting TVAPP-00114. Can't log in on any device apple or pc.

Problem Solver


954 Messages

Thank you for letting me know. Let's get your account pulled up and start getting this taken care of. Please send me a direct message with your first and last name, along with your complete service address to “Xfinity Support”. To do so, click on the chat icon located at the top right of this forums page.   

Here are detailed steps to direct message us:  

 • Click "Sign In" if necessary 

 • Click the direct message icon

 • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon 

 • Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list 

 • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window 

 • Press Enter to send your message 

I no longer work for Comcast.



1 Message

3 years ago

Clearly Xfinity is having an issue with now being able to stream from a browser and is doing nothing about it but giving customer the runaround. A recent s yesterday i was able to stream via Chrome (safari hasn't worked for over a week). I get error code 9001, which you can not find any info about anywhere! I tried chatting with a rep that initially said that error was due to my internet being sloe (its xfinity internet mind you), which is incorrect because i can go to other sites, including Youtube and experience no issues. The person then said that it is a server issue on the Xfinity side. Do you guys just make stuff up as you go along?!?!? Just fix the darn streaming website and let customer enjoy the services that they are paying a bloody fortune for! Customer service is the absolute WORST!



1 Message

3 years ago

Similar experience.  NO WARNING of a service issue, no email indicating a problem.  some customer service reps NOT prepared to answer questions… even to the point of declaring that “only the registered “customer” (out of potentially many in a household) must be logged into the streaming app…” which turned out to be [EDIT]  I was given ALL rights to “manage” the account (because registered “ customer is overseas and unable to login). Well I logged in as them and NOTHING was resolved.


[ EDITED: Profanity ]




8 Messages

3 years ago

I'm getting what others are complaining about  ever since I bought a Windows 11 computer. Error code TVAPP-00114. I am seriously considering changing to a lesser service after 25 years just because I can no longer stream. I have called Tech and they have not been able to help me. This only shows up on my Windows 11 machine when trying to run the Xfinity Stream from the Internet utilizing Chrome, Edge and Firefox. The streaming still works properly on my Android tablet and telephone. It seems like an easy fix Xfinity stream team. I don't understand what's taking so long and I would appreciate some facts and in regard to a repair date or being told if there is a fix??



2 Messages

3 years ago

I'm also having the same problem and error code 170 on my laptop that was working fine yesterday.  Have talked to 4 agents since yesterday and no fixed.  Have been using 3 laptops with win 7 and 10, also MS Edge(Latest Version) and Firefox (Latest version) same error 170.  Even try my smart TV APP, No go.  Just because Comcast says there's NO problem doesn't make it TRUE.  How many CUSTOMERS can you afforded to lose?

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Let's get this all figured out. Thank you so much for getting us in the loop to help! When the device is triggering the error and it is closed out does it move to the primary interface or remain in a frozen state? 

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3 years ago

I'm now having this same problem.  Read different posts with details about it.  this "Error TVAPP-00170." The last bunch of months occasionally getting what I'd imagine being a very similar type of error, but a lot less info from searching for it.  If I remember right something about too many attempts,  which always seemed ridiculous when it happened,  but something that didn't cause me problems like this has.  Have done all the obvious stuff, clearing caches and cookies, updaing Chrome, Windows updates, clearing Windows temp files, running malware scans,  digging through 'xfinity' settings for hours trying to find what I had hoped would be some button somewhere, to clear whatever logins it had kept open in error, hoping they'd have put something in settings somewhere to fix it after all the trouble this has caused what I'd imagine is a lot of people.... needlessly.  The espn channel...  while streaming from that comcast website, lot of times certain live shows will almost be constantly buffering. When I go to look it has 3 processes running just for that channel, with no information about what they're doing, probably data mining or... bitcoion mining.  Those processes are completely unnecessary, no other channel does it...  But in the past when having those buffering problems, going to the espn website to stream from there has had better results. Occasionally do that with a few channels.. go the the other sources....  sign in with the "tv provider."  Then it has the Xfinity thing pop up saying you're automatically logged in and ready to watch, or something like that.   And...  was immediately after that, had gone to the espn website to watch the stupid probowl skills show, an hour long,  go back to the Xfinity website where this error started happening.  Just from watching that stupid hour show on espn with Xfinity credentials...   left fighting this thing for hours and hours and hours trying to fix it..   Seems nothing a user can do to fix it.......  except contacting support...   was trying to avoid troubling someone, I can usually make my way around this computer and figure out whatever is happening...  but not this one..   Looks like they've left it up to Adobe to manage peoples credentials when streaming stuff available to Xfinity customers from sources other than  Makes no sense there'd be... whatever it is...  leftover logins that should've been cleared.    I've been fighting serious medical problems with very severe symptoms for too long...   and this stuff...    trying for hours to get this figured out when there's nothing a user can do to resolve it.   You all should either make that information very clear when this problem happens...   have it pop up at the same time as that error 170....  Or.. link to a button to hit to clear out whatever mess it had saved .....    or do like every other website on the planet...  log out or clear the cache and its over. My days are already usually not very great... but then to waste these bunch of hours on something that should be very easy to fix.... or not have occured to begin with..  very frustrating.  Exhausted long before I starting writing this

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