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6 Messages
Some DVR Recordings Not Available on ANY Stream Device
All my recordings are always available on the X1 TV, but only certain recordings are showing in the Stream app. Some new recordings continue to appear in the app, but not all. There is never a problem viewing recordings in the app, as long as they are listed. I can view upcoming scheduled recordings, so I know the app is connected with my account. This problem is on all my Stream devices, including Fire TV sticks, a Roku TV, Android phones and a tablet, and even the Stream link on the Xfinity website on my PC. I synch-ed my DVR using the X1 menu, but it did not help. This began happening after downgrading my TV package, but that was only a channel reduction. I currently have19 shows occupying only 9% of capacity, so I am well within my DVR capacity.
I tried calling Xfinity, but they couldn't fix the issue and instead escalated me to Tier 2 support. The Tier 2 representative just talked in circles, saying the same things over and over and contradicting herself constantly. She sent me two articles "to help me understand", but both supported the position that I should be able to view my shows on Stream. Her only solution was to upgrade my DVR service to premium, but that article says the only difference is 300 hours of recording storage. I only have 10% of my DVR full, so that seems to fix a problem that I am not having. Please help!!!!
Official Employee
965 Messages
3 months ago
1 Message
2 months ago
I am having the same issue. Only the most recent recordings appear and recordings from the previous day will disappear and get replaced with only the new recordings. This is a relatively new problem that started several weeks ago. Previously, I was not having any issues. I would love a solution to this problem.