Thursday, November 2nd, 2023 3:05 AM


Xfinity stream app on Roku stopped working

The xfinity stream app on Roku just stopped working all of a sudden in the middle of watching it. We did all the steps to attempt to get it back up and running. We restarted Roku, redownloaded the app, signed in and out, checked connections, turned all off then on again, ect. All else is functioning properly. Xfinity stream is working on cell phone working on same wifi. What could the issue be? 

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Xfinity app on Roku



184 Messages

11 months ago

Keeps throwing me back to Roku home screen. 

6 Messages


that’s what it is doing to us as well

2 Messages

It keeps doing the same thing to us. I’m glad I’m not going crazy. I reinstalled the app twice. Any updates?

6 Messages

@user_eg9494​ none and it’s still happening 

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