

2 Messages

Friday, March 18th, 2022 3:12 PM


error tvapp-00114

This is the second time we went through this issue - the stream works on a tablet but not home computers. I refreshed the whole system and all the computers on line - same isue. The last time I believe your system thought I had multiple sign ins over a period of time. It was fixed for months but now Its back.

Please fix this once and for all. Thanks

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3 Messages

3 years ago

I am having the same problem.  I can stream on my Ipad but I can't stream on my laptop.  I've refreshed the system, cleared cache.  I've been on Chrome where I get the TVAPP-00114 Clear cache.  Safari I select stream, it takes me to another login screen, I select sign in I get a white xfinity screen which says Access not Authorized. You signed in successfully but you must be an xfinity user to enjoy this service.  It worked for years up until yesterday afternoon. I am an xfinity user and pay for this, I'd like to use it. Thanks for your help.

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