

21 Messages

Tuesday, February 8th, 2022 6:03 PM


“Connect to in-home Wi-Fi to watch”

When I am on the Xfinity Stream app on my iOS device (iPad), some of the channels I cannot watch live. It will tell me to connect to my in-home Wi-Fi. The problem is, I AM connected to my in-home Wi-Fi. 
When I go to the Xfinity Stream app on my Android tablet, I am still on my own home Wi-Fi, but I do NOT get that “connect to your in-home Wi-Fi” message. It allows me to watch the very channels it won’t let me watch on my iOS device.
Any advice on how I might get that “connect to your in-home Wi-Fi” message to go away on the iOS Xfinity Steam app?
I find it very odd that I don’t get that message on the Android version of the Xfinity app, but get it on the iOS version.
Please see the screen captures I am attaching. The top screen capture is from my iOS device where you can see the “Watch” option is greyed out and telling me to connect to in-home Wi-Fi.
The bottom screen capture is from the same channel in the Android version of the Xfinity app. That in-home Wi-Fi message does not show.

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21 Messages

3 years ago

Here is a screen capture of the “connect to in-home Wi-Fi” message.

Problem Solver


571 Messages

Hello, @user_41287d thank you very much for reaching out to our Xfinity Community Forum page. I love watching the Stream app on my iPad so I can understand this would be a pain. Have you tried to forget your in-home network from your iOS device and reconnect?  

I no longer work for Comcast.

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