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Access not Authorized You signed in successfully, but you must be an Xfinity user to enjoy this service.
I am having a problem with accessing the streaming on my laptop and apps on my phone. When I try to login it says Access not Authorized. I thought someone might have hacked my account. I was able to login to where I can view my bills and I changed my password immediately. I also made sure that I linked my account and that I am the primary user, thinking that would help but it's still not letting me in. What else needs to be done to fix this? Thanks!
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2 Messages
3 years ago
Same problem here. Asked to clear cache. even after clearing- gives the same message above.
1 Message
3 years ago
Same problem. Went through Clear Cache with no result. Also got "Access not Authorized" message
1 Message
3 years ago
Same problem. cache clearing made no improvement. Don't think it's really an account issue, because the mobile app on an ipad still works fine. I think they borked some kind of backend code release that affects how tokens are passed on the desktop side. Comcast is pretty sloppy, and totally neglect MacOS.