45 Messages
Cannot Send Email to Phone as Text
I am trying to send an email to my phone as a text from Gmail. Am using recommended protocol using vtext. Cannot receive on phone. Tried sending from Comcast email-same problem. My cell phone carrier is Xfinity Mobile, which uses the Verizon network. I can send the email to my wife's cell phone (using vtext) and it DOES come through as a text, and she is also with Xfinity Mobile. So the problem must be with my phone. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Official Employee
2.8K Messages
3 years ago
Hey there, thanks for reaching out regarding your Xfinity Mobile concerns! I definitely understand wanting to ensure you can send an e-mail message through text message. Have you attempted to reach out to our Xfinity Mobile team for assistance through:
They are the best resource to help with troubleshooting your Xfinity Mobile concerns!
45 Messages
3 years ago
I had tried the chat line earlier--no help. They told me to call Verizon, which was clearly wrong as I have not been a Verizon customer for over three years. I even tried calling them and it didn't work, as I knew it wouldn't. There has to be a simple solution. As I mentioned, my wife has the exact same phone (Samsung Galaxy S9 with Xfinity Mobile) and it comes through on hers with no problems. Also, there are no blocked messages on my phone. Any help appreciated.