1 Message
Xfinity app not showing connected devices
The app is not showing ANY of my connected devices (ethernet or wifi), network name is Shire and I have confirmed all devices show they are connected to Shire.
I have tried restarting the gateway, gateway is XB7 revision CGM4331COM_6.7p14s1_PROD_sey, firmware CGM4331COM_6.7p14s1_PROD_sey. All of my connected devices get restarted ~weekly.
I have the app on my Samsung S23 Ultra, SM-S918U, revision 1.0, android version 14. Phone was bought and on Xfinitg Mobile, connected to my wifi network, name Shire.
Gateway IP, DNS servers, and DHCP scope on default settings.
A few areas of the app that show a way to see connected devices do not even take you to that page when tapped, including the search results in the assistant chat, the troubleshooter, the assign devices under family members, and port forwarding. The only way to get there is occasionally on the overview tab there will be a button at the top to see connected devices but that screen will not show any devices.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Xfinity app.
On the wifi tab if I go to connected to your wifi, tap on manage 1 person (I made the person as part of my troubleshooting no persons existed before that), then tap assign devices for that person it says all devices are assigned. Tapping see connected devices just takes me back to the wifi main page.
Retired Employee
729 Messages
5 months ago
1 Message
25 days ago
Was this ever resolved? I'm having the same issue.
1 Message
7 days ago
Having the same issue! My kids Devices are paused and they can’t use them because I can’t unpause the wifi!
1 Message
6 days ago
Same issue here. It worked on my previous modem, but now nothing.
3 Messages
5 days ago
In my humble opinion- this seems to be a large scale issue that I hope Xfinity will resolve soon. As a collective, we pay for services to be rendered in a timely manor. If they are not, I recommend Xfinity to recompense for lost time, and inability to use the services that are being paid.
Tired of Not Getting What I For Via Corporate Greed.