Saturday, December 9th, 2023 5:34 PM


Wired Devices - How to view

Frustrated search led me to post my own answer below. 

On the Xfinity app, click on the Wifi button at the bottom. This sounds counter intuitive since you want to view wired devices, not wireless ones.

From here you have two choices. The first step will be tedious if you have a lot of devices to search through. The second step identifies the wired devices for you, then you can go back to the first step to get more details if needed.

1. One device at a time

    • Scroll down below and click on each single device
    • Choose -Device details-
    • Look for -Connection Type- which displays: ETHERNET

2.  Scan devices

    • Look for the Troubleshoot button and click on it.
    • Choose -Test your whole home network-. This will start a 3 step process of checking for local outages, gateway speed, and device wifi quality.
    • ON THE THIRD STEP: As each -connected- device completes testing make note of those that display -Wired Connection- just below it.
    • Once all testing is complete, use Step 1 to scroll down the WiFi page to find those devices and click into them to view further details if needed.

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1 year ago

Hi there @user_6a7f6w ! These are great directions and exactly on point! Thanks for posting this for everyone! 

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